lundi 13 mars 2017

The cat's mylars (with tear-open notch).

You know those little teensy notches in an edge of lots of plastic/mylar packages that lets you whip them open without tools? If you should want to put fast, precise tear-open notches in things you package youself, ask your cat to lend you her claw clippers or just grab the spare pair you keep in the kitchen drawer. (No claw clippers in your kitchen drawer? You don't know what you're missing. Very handy compact little cutters for all things round as well as this use.)

The kind of el cheapo clipper you want:

Just put the little flat end of one blade at the very edge of your package and clip. A perfect-sized itsy-bitsy tear notch each and every time, never too shallow, and more importantly, never too deep. (Clippety clip clip, just made several dozen packets of instant pudding mix into instant-open instant pudding mix. )

See the back-of-package view here for a good image of the blades if you're not familiar with the things:

(Next week's installment of cats in my kitchen--using a cat's red rubber brush for whipping the silk off your corn. )

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The cat's mylars (with tear-open notch).

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