vendredi 17 mars 2017

Two BOBs = Buying Everything Twice = Bad Idea? SMH!

DefaultTwo BOBs = Buying Everything Twice = Bad Idea? SMH!

Fairly new to the forum with one posted topic re: survival knives, which I got a hella response to. Great feedback and suggestions that helped me make good decisions on recent purchases.
So, re: bug out bags, I've recently concluded that my plans for building two BOBs (his and hers) may be flawed. The flaw (question) being, do I really need to purchase two of everything on my gear list that results in two BOBs that are exactly the same? If so, my wife likely ends up with a BOB that is too big and heavy for her to manage.
In the SHTF scenario I'm planning for, my wife and I bug out together. With that in mind, is it really necessary for us to carry two of everything? Are there items we should just carry one of?...examples - multi-tools, emergency/weather radios, shelter supplies, saw/hatchet, first aid kits, etc.
I'm torn because I want her BOB to be self-reliant for her needs and not dependent on my BOB if we got separated for some unforeseen reason. Yet, again, we're dealing with a size/weight issue that could be difficult for her to pack, much less pace very far.
Just curious what some of you have done, or would do, in this scenario? Thanks!

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Two BOBs = Buying Everything Twice = Bad Idea? SMH!

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