mardi 14 mars 2017

Found what was stunting my garden


Originally Posted by kokosmom2View Post

sorry Justme.... pecans and black walnuts are related plants and give off that chemical?

Yes, The chemical might be the same thing that makes it a good parasite killer.

I planted a row of green beans a month ago. They are about 4 inches tall with 1 leaf each and teeny tiny beans. I put a dozen tomatoe plants in about 4 inches tall 2 weeks ago. half are dead and the other half look pretty sad.

I have had arborists cut the tree back a lot 3 different years, and what is left is still huge. Each time the crew just stood around looking at it for an hour. I asked the foreman the first time and he said his crew was afraid of my tree. That tree has probably been there 150 years. They said when the houses are built, they disturb the tree roots and the trees like this one start a top down dying process. last time they wanted to take the tree completely down. I should have let them I guess, but I like big old trees.

maybe I am part Lorax.

I always had superb gardens before coming here. It is good at least to have finally figured out what the problem was.

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Found what was stunting my garden

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