mardi 14 mars 2017

What to make of Putin and Russia

I've been wondering quite a bit lately about what to think of Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Is he a potential friend of the U.S.? Or is he a reactionary nationalist, determined to restore the old Soviet Union?

It seems that Trump has at least a more open minded view of him than Obama did.

Some random thoughts:

It seems that Putin is the pet hate of liberal groups here in the U.S. This YouTube video might explain why. It appears that Putin has little regard for the globalist liberal ideals of inclusiveness and cultural relativism---especially when they infringe on traditional Western values and Christianity:

He seems to strongly support traditional families, religion, and values.

He has no love for radical Islam, and is suspicious of China.

His one goal seems to be to protect Russia, and make Russia great.

He has no use for Political Correctness, and speaks his mind.

Russia has huge potential to become a big industrial power. It has enormous resources, and a highly educated and technical work force.

On the other hand, it currently has a GNP equal to Italy's. With the fall in oil prices, the economy is definitely suffering. Corruption is a HUGE problem in Russia.

I think many in the U.S. fail to understand Putin's sensitivity to NATO expansion into Eastern Europe. How would Americans react to the news that China has made an alliance with Mexico, and has stationed troops just across the Rio Grande? Remember--the U.S. almost went to war when the Russians tried to place missiles in Cuba.

I read a recent Newsweek article, where it suggests that Trump may offer Putin greater influence in Eastern Europe, in return for better relations. I'm a little suspicious of this, as it seems much like when FDR threw the Baltics and Eastern Europe to the wolves at Yalta. Also these former Iron Curtain countries have little love for Russia (with good reason).

Yet some of these most exposed countries (like Estonia) are spending almost nothing on their own defense. And the U.S. is funding the lion's share of NATO. If these countries are so afraid of Russia, why don't they ante-up more?

What do others say? Thoughts? Opinions?

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What to make of Putin and Russia

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