samedi 1 septembre 2018

Military survival instructor

Hi all,

Hi my name is Dave and I am a military SERE (survival) Instructor. I have over 14 years of SERE experience and have taught aircrew and Special Forces from all arms of the military and several foreign armed forces. I have practical and applied knowledge in Desert, Jungle, Temperate, Coastal and Sea Survival as well as fast jet ejection drills and helicopter underwater escape training (the Dunker).

I have several other unique skill-sets to draw upon such as Team Medic, search and rescue, conduct-after-capture, fieldcraft, survival planning, Joint Personnel Recovery, combat first aid, evasion, unarmed combat, psychology of survival, advanced driving/riding, scuba diving, threat evaluation, intelligence preparation, electronic warfare and many other niche areas.

I intend to contribute as much as I can over the years by utilising my experience, knowledge and in-depth research. I have a dislike for celebrity survival 'experts' who either make things up, are down right dangerous or spend the night in hotels after filming. If you talk the talk, then you have to walk the walk!

I also have a blog that I started called which I intend to get back to very soon.

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Military survival instructor

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