dimanche 7 avril 2019

Asylum Seekers

Default Asylum Seekers

As most know..we are being flooded with "Asylum Seekers"....and everyone else from south of the border. The news reports that the CBP is struggling to provide the support/housing/needs of the thousands. What escapes me....is why are the immigrants...legal or not...are not being transported directly to the "Sanctuary Cities"? Im am sure Pelosi's neighborhood in SF would love 50,000 new homeless/street people....and are more than willing to provide housing and a good meal. I know that every democrat that wants open borders, must be willing to have a few thousand of these people come live in their constituents neighborhoods.
Chicago would love to have a few thousand MS13 members come in and settle the down the crime in south Chicago. Sanctuary Cities must be wondering why they are being left out of the action....to provide for the needs of these people...

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Asylum Seekers

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