samedi 6 avril 2019

Spring - a time for hope, a time for loss

Spring is a paradox. On one hand it is a time of rebirth, life and hope. On the other hand it is a time of loss.

March 30th, 2019 my oldest son and I planted several tomato plants, and some melon spouts that were bought from a local big box store. We had not had temps anywhere near frost level in several weeks, so I thought everything was going to be fine.

April 1st and 2nd, not only did we have a heavy frost, but also a light freeze as temps reached 30 degrees. All of the tomatoes and melons planted on the 30th were dead. Heavy frost damaged the potatoes, peppers, egg plant, fig tree leaves... etc, but the should come back.

On top of that we have lost around three chickens, and two of the new chicks. One of the new chicks is missing, and one was found dead.

Predators giving birth in the spring will take livestock and bring it to their litter.

Then there is the issue of migrating birds, which brings hawks.

Whether it is frost or a light freeze, or predators, it seems like spring is a time of hope and a time for loss.

After the last frost has passed, hopefully the will recover and thrive.

The recent chicken losses leaves me with around 9 mature hens, and 12 pullets. Chances are I will buy another dozen chicks before summer hits. I like to keep the flock in the 30 - 40 range.

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Spring - a time for hope, a time for loss

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