jeudi 4 avril 2019

What could be in the Mueller report that the dems are so hell-bent to see?

Its politics, it doesnt matter what is in the report one way or the other.

The left knows the report cant be openly released so they play it as hiding damning information.

The right plays its done and disclosed and shows no damning information.

Each side has seen the full report and knows what can and cant be disclosed. Both sides will feed their base the most inflammatory portions they can.

I personally would like to have full the unredacted report available. Make a special one time allowance for this to happen let the chips fall where they do. There are no unbiased people in government that can tell us what we only need to know, then claim the truth is out. We need to go after everything and everyone that have broken laws to the full extent of the law.

Yes I know it is designed to protect witnesses and those not involved directly you either sacrifice them or live with what is disclosed. Those that write the laws know exactly how to manipulate the law to get the results they want while they hold power.

We the people are not part of that world.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

What could be in the Mueller report that the dems are so hell-bent to see?

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