mercredi 3 avril 2019


Americans are victims of the world’s greatest propaganda ministry. We know this because they’re misled to assume that they were born subject citizens, with mandatory civic duties that abrogate endowed rights, and believe that the law requires them to consent to voluntary socialism (via FICA).

When faced with a benevolent but bankrupt totalitarian police state confiscating their liberties, property and labors, they are told to ‘participate’ in the socialist democracy, as if voting for their task master makes it all legitimate. At no time will the people be informed of their option to return to the republican form of government. (RFOG)

Of course, if ever the majority of Americans read their own laws and did withdraw consent from usury, socialism and subjugation to the state, it would collapse the current regime and impoverish the bankers, corporations, and politicians who got rich at our expense. The People’s Democratic Socialist Republic would evaporate, as the lack of revenue ends all public charity, entitlements, and socialist programs. As the number of subjects dwindles away, all the alphabet agencies would have no one to meddle with.

It may well come to pass that all healthcare would no longer be regulated and licensed, so the people would once again have the right to healthcare without getting government permission. Medical schools could re-open without permission of the state or the AMA.

But the most devastating consequence would be the lack of sufficient collateral on the public debt rendering the Federal Reserve note unacceptable as legal tender. (Under the law of notes, only obligated parties are compelled to accept their notes as tender in lieu of lawful money. Once people withdraw from FICA and cease being ‘contributors’ to the public debt, those notes cease being ‘their’ obligation. And since CONgress repudiated them in 1933, there would no one underwriting them anymore.)

Overnight, billionaires would become zero-aires. All ownership not alienated with lawful money would become suspect and open to legal challenge. And there’s nothing that the partisan politicians can do about it, except perhaps emigrate to countries that have no extradition treaties with the USA.

Sure, it’s not going to be an uneventful transition from 86 years of incremental collectivism and bankruptcy. But at least we can be grateful to have our Creator endowment restored, i.e., natural rights, natural and personal liberty, inherent powers, absolute ownership of private property, privileges and immunities not based on consent, etc., etc.

= = = = = = =

"What I do say is that no man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. I say this is the leading principle, the sheet-anchor of American republicanism. Our Declaration of Independence says: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
- - - Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (1854)

As Lincoln reminds us, under the republican form, promised by the USCON, described by the Declaration of Independence, NO MAN (nor American government) is good enough to govern you without your consent. Without your consent, all that government is authorized to do is secure endowed (sacred) rights (prosecute trespass; adjudicate disputes; defend against enemies, foreign or domestic). And no endowed right can be subject to taxation, regulation or infringement.

Because American people are sovereigns without subjects.

". . . at the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the [American] people, and they are truly the sovereigns of the country, but they are sovereigns without subjects, and have none to govern but themselves. . ."
- - - Justice John Jay, Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. 2 Dall. 419 419 (1793)


“ It may be laid down, as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every citizen who enjoys the protection of a free government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defence of it, and consequently that the Citizens of America (with a few legal and official exceptions) from 18 to 50 Years of Age should be borne on the Militia Rolls, provided with uniform Arms, and so far accustomed to the use of them, that the Total strength of the Country might be called forth at Short Notice on any very interesting Emergency.”
- - - George Washington; "Sentiments on a Peace Establishment" in a letter to Alexander Hamilton (2 May 1783); published in The Writings of George Washington (1938), edited by John C. Fitzpatrick, Vol. 26, p. 289.
... Every citizen ... owes a portion of his property ... and services in defense ... in the militia ... from 18 to 50 years of age...
> No inalienable right to life,
> No liberty or private property for [consenting] citizens!
(You can verify this by reading the original constitutions of the 13 colonies)

If citizenship is imposed at birth, then there are no sovereigns, and all Americans are subjects / slaves. Since that is not possible, nor legal, that leaves only one possibility: Americans have a choice -
[] To be sovereign American nationals, free inhabitants, "the people" or
[] To be subject citizens.

He who consents cannot object.
Shut up, sit down, pay and OBEY.

Until consent is withdrawn, no remedy exists.
After consent is withdrawn, no remedy is needed.

Do not believe me - go read the law. I am not infallible. The more eyes on the law, the better.

. . . Can’t have it both ways . . .
Either we have Creator endowed rights, liberties, powers, and immunities, that servant governments were instituted to secure or we are subjects of government, without endowed rights, and must pay and obey our sovereign government.

I prefer to believe Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Samuel Adams, James Madison, Abraham Lincoln, et al, when they tell us that we are sovereigns without subjects, endowed by our Creator with rights, that government was instituted to secure - not tax, impair, nor infringe. And, absent consent, all that servant government may do is adjudicate disputes, prosecute criminals, and defend against all enemies, foreign or domestic.


" PERSONAL LIBERTY, or the Right to enjoyment of life and liberty, is one of the fundamental or natural Rights, which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions, which is not derived from, or dependent on, the U.S. Constitution, which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election. It is one of the most sacred and valuable Rights, as sacred as the Right to private property...and is regarded as inalienable."
- - - 16 Corpus Juris Secundum , Constitutional Law, Sect.202, p.987.
Herein we see mention of sacred / fundamental / inherent / natural rights : life, liberty, and absolute ownership of private property. And yet 'every citizen' has no right to life, liberty nor absolute ownership of private property when the State can take it all away.


P.S. Slavery does not exist under the republican form. It only existed under the constitutionally limited indirect democratic form, as a taxable government privilege. That’s the REAL reason why the Confederate states didn’t simply withdraw consent and return to the republican form to address their grievances with the Union. They could not retain slavery and be “sovereigns without subjects.”

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