samedi 6 avril 2019

Why do certain people on SB Hate Trump so much?


Originally Posted by Timbersawz View Post

I disliked him ...<insert irrelevant personal insults here> in the 80's. He had done nothing but reinforce this over the decades

The guy is a winner.

He successfully ran over 600 businesses. Sure, there were a few failures but the numbers tell the story. Most people cannot even run 1 business successfully. Trouble is, Trump haters don't go by numbers but their feelings.


Originally Posted by Timbersawz View Post

How people find his behavior over his lifetime admirable is beyond me

It is not beyond me. He got $1M loan to start his career and when he ran for POTUS was worth about $10,000M. Only an idiot would not admire that level of success, which few in the history of mankind have achieved. Just saying.

Going back to the emotional side; the guy could have retired in luxury anywhere in the world. He has been the target of the biggest take down in media history, with over 90% negative coverage 24/7 for 3 years. He gave up his businesses, which he loved. His son gave up a charity he founded. He works 18 hours each day for $1 per year. He did all this for one simple reason. He loves America. He is a patriot of the 1st order, the likes of which we have not seen since Ronaldo Maximus.

His on the job performance in just 2 years already ranks him as the best or 2nd best POTUS in the last half century. I credit Reagan with saving my life by defeating the evil empire. I credit Trump with saving Western Civilization and my grandchildren's lives by:

  1. defeating the she-devil
  2. defeating globalists by steering clear of war with Russia, North Korea, China and Syria
  3. defeating & deporting MS-13
  4. defeating ISIS,
  5. Withdrawing from the disastrous Paris Accord
  6. Revoking the Iran Deal
  7. Clamping down on border invasions
  8. terrorist ban,
  9. ending TARP,
  10. ending NAFTA,
  11. Making NATO relevant again and members pay fair share
  12. record jobs,
  13. record stock performance,
  14. record employment of women, Hispanics and Blacks,
  15. Gutting Obamacare
  16. Making America energy independent (& worlds largest exporter of natural gas)
  17. naming Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,
  18. passing one of the biggest tax cuts in history
  19. cutting more regulations in just 2 years than any POTUS ever
  20. Appointing more judges than any POTUS since Washington
  21. Passed more legislation than any POTUS in 1st year, besides Truman to end WWII
  22. Exposed Fake News
  23. Exposed the Deep State coup attempt
I know one thing for sure. After 6 more years of the Trump Administration, America will be great again. MAGA.

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Why do certain people on SB Hate Trump so much?

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