vendredi 12 septembre 2014

Conservative Liberal?

Ok, so I love guns and do not believe in ******** as a form of birth control. I long for good old American values to return to the populace and strive to not let those values die within my family and scope of friends. I believe in small government that adheres to Jefferson's philosophy of "That goverment is best which governs least"

I hate the fact that our borders are meaningless and our current government does not seem to care. I believe that every single illegal alien that is here should be sent back (along with their anchor babies) yesterday.

Additionally, I was raised in a poor family, but we did not go on the welfare. My Father worked his butt off to provide for his family the best he could, never taking goverment hand-outs. I believe that the path to prosperity lies in hard work and dedication to such.

Conversely: I do not care about gays getting married. Hell, if they want to be miserable like most other married couples I know, have at it! I was raised psuedo-Catholic, but shrugged off the confines and hypocricies of organized religion long ago.

I truly do not care about marijuana legalization. I think alcohol has killed far more people than weed ever has or will. Weed is not a gateway drug, alcohol is.

Anybody else feel like they just don't fully belong to either the liberal left or the conservative right?

Conservative Liberal?

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