jeudi 2 juin 2016

Duncan Hunter on Trump’s ISIS Plan: ‘We’re Going to Kill You’

these are things i have to disagree with trump, theyre a fabricated, propped up enemy created to justify more restrictions on the rights of all citizens of the western world and to feed and fuel the banks and MIC.. had our government not given them millions of dollars in weapons knowing from day one that the syrian "rebels" were ISIS all along, and not threatening and sanctioning assad for fighting them then ISIS would have never been a problem in the first place

y'all can wave the flag around and stomp your feet for the government to take more of your tax dollars to increase military spending on projects that amount to jack **** (like the F-35 and even newer projects), but i for one am sick and tired of seeing the american tax payer constantly get abused by enemies we create for the sole purpose of violating our rights (patriot act, NDAA, NSA spying, eminent domain, etc) and paying off major campaign contributors and kickbacks for the personal, private gains of our politicians and those who pull their strings

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Duncan Hunter on Trump’s ISIS Plan: ‘We’re Going to Kill You’

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