jeudi 2 juin 2016

Wild hog blood in cut?

Not to scare you, but I'd keep a close eye on it, blood poisoning is nothing to take lightly. If you washed it out good, it should be okay.

My father who is a Charter Fishing Captain apparently got fish blood into his system back in the late 70's.

A couple of days later his hand was so sore that he could barely close it. I can remember him trying to dig around in the cut, which really wasn't that big, trying to get whatever was in there out.

The next morning luckily he didn't have a fishing trip and when he awoke his whole arm was sore and he had a blood red line going halfway up his arm. He hates doctor's and usually waits forever to go to the doctor, but decided to stop and make an appointment. It was his day off and he usually walked to morning coffee only a block away, The doctor's clinic was halfway there, lol. His doctor actually parked in a parking lot right next to our house at the time, which in hindsight might have saved his life.

The doctor happened to step out as he was making an appointment to take a quick look at it and said 'By this afternoon you might be in Sepsis Shock and dead by tomorrow. But if you're too busy, it's your call.'

Now this is all just second hand info and my father as a BS'ing fishing Captain has been known to embellish a story from time to time, but I just looked it up and Sepsis Shock has a 28% mortality rate.

Bottom line is keep a close eye on it and don't wait until the last minute to see a doctor.

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Wild hog blood in cut?

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