mardi 7 mars 2017

yahoo news faking support, deleting dissent, and faking ratings?

so ive been looking at yahoo news and ive been noticing some interesting trends.. namely trends on topics that involve trump have the comments section pumped with 99% anti-trump rhetoric each with comments as little as 1 hour old having 500-1000 thumbs up and maybe 5-10 thumbs down.. this seems incredibly unlikely

further research shows a lot of the comments are rather genetic anti-trump comments that mention nothing of the article itself and ive even spotted a few copy and pastes of these generic comments as well, each with 1000+ thumbs up from yahoo

other popular topics on other subjects show comments -5-6 hours old with not more than 5-10 thumbs up.. more realistic

myself, and many others have noticed dissenting, though not rude, insulting, or vulgar comments, especially those that post facts tend to get deleted as well

so is yahoo faking the comments section to make readers believe their hateful rhetoric is more popular than it really is in some desperate hope to get people to accept the ideas as norm and make them more receptive to believing in the nonsense themselves?.. has anyone else noticed this or am i just seeing things?

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yahoo news faking support, deleting dissent, and faking ratings?

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