dimanche 12 mars 2017

Best Gun Safe for Getting Your Gun (in a panic)

I suddenly have a huge opinion about gun safes. I had a home invasion last weekend, and (like a moron) I wasn't practicing home-carry. I used BS to make the guy comfortable (one intruder, definitely schizophrenic) and raced for my gun when I had a little window of distraction.

Gun safes aren't one-size-fits-all, come to find out. Do you want your gun safe to keep your guns from being damaged in a fire? Do you want maximum security from burglars? Do you want your gun in your hand as quickly as possible?

I'm going to recommend a safe for the purpose of getting-your-gun-in-your-hand, heart-racing, in the dark, as quickly as possible.

I've been using the Barska biometric safe for years now in my bedroom. The biometrics are ultra-simple (just put your finger on the window, press the button, open the door) and I've never had any of my seven Barskas fail, other than the battery and they seem to last forever. I've never had a false-positive on a fingerprint after dozens of tests.

I can't imagine trying to get my dial safe, or even my other biometric safes, open while I was racing to get my .45 in my hand -- while the intruder was distracted. The Barska was SO fast, even in a dead panic. Finger, button, open, grab, rack the slide and I was in business.

Are there any really good, heavy floor safes with similar biometric locks? The Barska wouldn't protect my guns in a serious fire, nor are they any good if the thief is willing to bring power tools to bear to get at your guns. But they keep the kids' hands off and they are fast. I'm a believer.

Now placing them throughout my house (instead of just in my bedroom.)

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Best Gun Safe for Getting Your Gun (in a panic)

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