dimanche 12 mars 2017

Slick Willy Confirms Globalist Cabal in Brookings' Speech

Anyone who believes that the globalist cabal is just a conspiracy theory created by conservatives should take a few minutes of their time to read the article posted below.

Slick Willy didn't leave any doubt about where he and his ilk stand regarding the destruction of individual nations and open borders in this speech at the cesspool of leftist scum - the Brookings Institute. We should all stop this petty criticism of President Trump and support him with everything we've got. If Slick Willy's sack of human feces wife had won the election our nation would have been finished for all intents and purposes.


"Bill Clinton doesn‘t buy this whole “nationalism” thing. In his first major public appearance since the inauguration of Donald Trump, Clinton delivered a keynote speech at a Brookings Institute event. The former president cautioned against nation-state psychology and warned that this mentality will only further divide the world."

“People who claim to want the nation-state are actually trying to have a pan-national movement to institutionalize separatism and division within borders all over the world,” Clinton said, via Politico. “It’s like we’re all having an identity crisis at once—and it is an inevitable consequence of the economic and social changes that have occurred at an increasingly rapid pace....”

“...The whole history of humankind is basically the definition of who is us and who is them, and the question of whether we should all live under the same set of rules,” Bill Clinton said. He added that sometimes people “have found more political success and met the deep psychic needs people have had to feel that their identity requires them to be juxtaposed against someone else...”

“...This is a very old story” Clinton said. “It’s as old as the Holy Land, and much older. Ever since the first people stood up on the East African savanna, ever since the first families and clans, ever since people encountered the other. It is a very old story. And it always comes down to two things—are we going to live in an us-and-them world, or a world that we live in together?...”

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Slick Willy Confirms Globalist Cabal in Brookings' Speech

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