mercredi 1 mars 2017

**Ladies Section** Brave and inspiring women and girls

I feel that we don't hear enough about girls and women who have committed extremely brave acts. I have two teenage daughters and I want them to be able to stand up for themselves if they are ever placed in difficult situations.

While looking at various womens self-defense articles after making my first post on these forums, I came across a story of how an extremely brave girl fought off a man who attacked her within her own home when she was only fourteen years of age. I was going to originally post this in the self-defense thread, but I fell that this girl was so brave that a dedicated bravery thread would be better idea.

Her attacker appeared to have a history of violence against women, but this amazingly brave girl fought him off without the use of any weapons. He ended up in a hospital and ended up with a lengthy jail term.

Here is the link to the audio clip which she narrated now that she is older. It's only just over a minute long:

I think that this amazing woman deserves a medal

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**Ladies Section** Brave and inspiring women and girls

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