mardi 7 mars 2017

Republican Broken Promises Thread

Well, as Paul Ryan announces that he's keeping Obama Care pretty much intact - oh, sure, he renamed all the key features so they don't sound like Obama Care but they're still Obama Care - it seems a good time to discuss all of the Republican broken promises during the past 8 years and what, if anything, can or should be done about it.

I'll start with what many are calling Obama Care Lite. I don't think it's that at all; I think it's Obama Care with a new wardrobe. I would say that Ryan has turned out to be a disappointment but how could I be disappointed in someone who has always done exactly what I expected.

As I have said from the day Obama Care was passed, the Republicans have always supported Obama Care. The only thing they wanted was their party name on it rather than a Democratic name on it. They campaigned on repeal and now they're not. They pretended to fight against it claiming that there was no authority in the Constitution for the Federal Government to control healthcare and yet now they feel that they just want to "fix" federal government health care.

Once again, as they have done repeatedly since Bush 41, the Republicans prove how good they are at being Democrats.

So, what's to be done? How can we really make the Republicans understand that it is we, the people, for whom they work?

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Republican Broken Promises Thread

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