jeudi 2 mars 2017

Split Electoral within the State

Every election where national stakes are up, I know my conservative vote is going to be flushed down the toilet because for the last 20 years this has become a solid Blue State, and as for our electoral votes it will be winner takes all.

In fact, I have more election power by donating my money to those in other states than I do by casting my vote here at home, and so that's what I do.

I have thought for a long time that using the national model of the Electoral College on a state level would at least let my candidates have some portion of support from my total-loss-situation as it is now.

If we take the Nov 2016 election for example, Washington has 12 electoral votes for President. According to the results:

DEM) Clinton = 54.4%
REP) Trump = 38.2%
LIB) Johnson = 4.9%
GRN) Stein = 1.7%
OTHER) = .8%


If a party has to win at least a whole electoral vote to share in the electoral vote split of the state, (specific rules could be worked out; this is just an example) the breakdown would be thus:

DEM) Clinton = 54.4% = 6.528 Electoral votes rounded to 7
REP) Trump = 38.2% = 4.584 electoral votes rounded 6
LIB) Johnson = 4.9% = .588 electoral votes is less than 1, so no share
GRN) Stein = 1.7% =.204 electoral votes is less than 1, so no share
OTHER) = .8% = .096 electoral votes so no share

Now my personal vote would not be completely wasted, as now, but would actually have some value.

The state would be in play politically and candidates would gain value by coming and pleading their case.

3rd party votes would be easier to cast as even though the candidate might not win the state, their vote would not be lost (as long as they garnered at least a full electoral vote, which I believe it would in this state, but that's another discussion)

Here is an interesting article on this topic. I never knew that Maine already did split their Electoral votes in this manner.

If this was in every state, the big cities in each state would no longer control the entire state electoral votes. It would make for much more fair and interesting elections.

And before everyone yells out that we can just do a popular vote, go back and do a little study on the reasons we have an Electoral College system in the 1st place. All the reasons that it was put in place in the beginning still exist today.

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Split Electoral within the State

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