mardi 25 avril 2017

The Battle of Berkeley: When Patriots Beat the Anti-American Left

Only the first of a long battle to retake the country. However, puts them on notice we're not going to just roll over and not fight back. Next time will be more violent because the left WILL ramp it up.

"The Anti-Americans aren’t just opposed to American policies. They hate as well American citizens—at least as long as the latter reject their militant communist ideology. And it makes no difference whether those who they deem their opponents are elderly, children, or women. Anyone who the Anti-Americans regard as insufficiently “progressive” is fair game for physical attack.

By rioting, the Anti-Americans became especially emboldened when they succeeded in shutting down Milo Yiannopoulos’s speaking engagement at Berkeley back in February. Thus, they thought that they would be equally successful on April 15 in stopping a “Patriot’s Day” rally that was scheduled to be held in their home town.

They were sorely mistaken."

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The Battle of Berkeley: When Patriots Beat the Anti-American Left

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