jeudi 27 avril 2017

Training vs. Multiple Attackers?

Hickory ax handle, 2-2 1/2 feet long. Drill a hole in one end and tie a leather strap to go around your wrist. Pull this out of your jacket or just carry it. Never raise this above head level, strike using the tip as close to your body as possible. Hit the head anywhere and the attacker will go away. Hit one, the second one hesitates, hit him, the others will run.

Believe me, I know all about unarmed combat. Don't depend on this or waste your time with it. Anyone serious will have a knife, minimum, and you will never see the knife until it is in your guts---one has been in mine so I know this the hard way. If you are attacked, use simple, overwhelming force in your defense---a gun if possible.

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Training vs. Multiple Attackers?

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