dimanche 30 avril 2017

Trump's "very friendly" meeting with Philippine president Duterte freakout

The New York Times is wetting its pants over Trump's "very friendly" meeting with Philippine president Duterte.


Duterte is known for taking a very tough stand against drug dealers and criminality in his country. Including extra-judicial executions.

However it appears that Duterte has strong support from the Philippine electorate for his tough stance.

But the New York times is not amused. Accusing Trump of "affinity for strongmen".

If you read the "news report", it's more of an editorial, rather than unbiased journalism.

This anti-Trump bias of this rag is so blatant. They hardly attempt to hide it.

They quote one liberal advocate, who is having kittens over Trump's meeting:

“By essentially endorsing Duterte’s murderous war on drugs, Trump is now morally complicit in future killings,” said John Sifton, the Asia director of Human Rights Watch. “Although the traits of his personality likely make it impossible, Trump should be ashamed of himself.”

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Trump's "very friendly" meeting with Philippine president Duterte freakout

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