vendredi 28 avril 2017

The Problems of Immigrations has come to roost in America.

I know this is long but it may clear some of the conceptions some of us may harbor about the United States of America. If you chose to read it I applaud you. If you don’t perhaps you are part of the problem directly or indirectly that affects America suffers today.

Many of us don’t take the time to reflect on the accomplishments our ancestors implemented here in America. We went from opening up a continent to exploring it first followed by colonization. Granted, there were many travesties that occurred along the way, some can write it off as progress while others want to denigrate those massive achievements simply by disparaging them. I choose to acknowledge those accomplishments with pride in what America once was and what America still is, but it is unraveling like a ball of twine. There are many reasons for that but because too many people have taken those great accomplishments and have cast aspersions on them simply as a way of being mean, and ungrateful for those wondrous accomplishments.

When we dissect the motives for this, we begin to uncover the root causes. First of all, immigrants who came to America came largely from Europe and they came by the hundreds of thousands. They left their homelands, families, and everything they were accustomed to for an ideal which they left behind in those many countries they immigrated from. Most had to learn a new language, accept a new culture, and begin the lifelong chore of blending into a new land which was nothing compared to everything they had ever known. They left behind family, both living and dead, to embrace a new life where freedom was the sirens call which beckoned them from afar.

They came, they assimilated, they learned English, they pledged their allegiance to this new land and what it stood for, and none of them came to the shores of America with the attitude they were going to get something for nothing. In fact, they worked from sunup to sundown, and many of them seven days a week. They did it because America offered them freedom to raise a family without the concept of serfdom and most of all they came, they immersed themselves in a culture where freedom was guaranteed to them, because of those wondrous document called the United States Bill of Rights and Constitution. They were free to come and go as they pleased, to worship their religions without fear. They were able to purchase land.

As long as they worked for what they wanted, most of the time they were left unmolested. That’s not to say there were no prejudices because there were plenty of those, but the people didn’t give up, they persevered until they reached a level of acceptance and whatever it was they wanted from this great culture. Many succeeded while others didn’t do so well. But, the American dream was attainable by most as long as they made the attempt to build a future for themselves and their own kind.

They carved out a nation with their bare hands. They built railroads through the wilderness in the mountains bridging one mountain to another with great trestles and they bored enormous holes in the side of mountains as they went about building an infrastructure that would support more immigrants who came to this great land in search of whatever they did not have in their homeland, but was promised to them in America if they came to those shores.

They built roads, great canals, bridges, grist mills, factories, and they built homes and schools. They built, and they progressed, and they were enormously proud of their new land in the promises it made to them if they would only come here and be a part of the building of the greatest nation on earth.

It was a great land because it had vast resources. It was great because it allowed anyone who was willing to work to build a life within it working hand-in-hand with their neighbors to build a modern Empire dedicated to freedom and to the individual. This nation they were building became the world’s first modern superpower.

When the Sabers of war were clashing together in Europe, America came to their aid. We fought the greatest superpower of its age, the British Empire not once but twice, and we won our freedom.

Years later we fought a terrible Civil War. Many contend it was about slavery, but although that was one of the ingredients of the great recipe, it ravaged America, and it turned many of the citizens against one another in a bloody conflict, it was about mainly, about states’ rights. More than 750,000 people gave up their lives in this quest.

When the Civil War was over, there was a period of peace in the world, but it didn’t last very long and another war exploded onto the American scene. It was the Spanish-American war. When it was over, great areas of land became either a protectorate or a part of America. Then, Americans enjoyed peace once again.

Europe detonated again into a world war said to be the war to end all wars. Although America was reluctant to get involved with Europe’s problems, it did finally, and thousands of Americans died on European soil. When the war finally ended in 1918, our young men came home to immerse themselves in jobs, the pursuit of education and to raise families of their own. That lasted for another 20 years and Europe again exploded like a smoldering sleeping super volcano and America went to war again.

Patriotism in that day and age was extremely high. No one dared to burn or stomp on an American flag. There were those who hid in the shadows and said not so flattering comments about America, but they weren’t very vociferous, choosing safety over bravado. In that day and age, you could count on an butt whipping at the very least for saying anything disparaging against America and its ideals, and principles, and at the other end of the spectrum, perhaps even jail time.

Things have changed in America on a large basis. It is observed in many places there is no longer a national pride in being an American or supporting its principles. It has become fashionable to knock America’s greatness in those incredible adventures it took part in to make America the greatest country on earth. Today, reinforced with a Marxist philosophy it has become stylish to knock America’s greatness, to usurp the fighting spirit Americans once had to be replaced by a never-ending cradle to the grave welfare mentality. A ward of the state has usurped the American dream. A system where greatness in spirit, and culture, has been replaced by a “give me attitude” while those who receive give nothing in return except another mouth to feed.

Our country had the greatest educational system anywhere on earth. It had the richest treasury of any nation that has ever existed according to written historical records. Its military might was awesome and unbeatable. Our people loved their country and the flag that represents it. We had the greatest factories and a manufacturing base unsurpassed by no others in the world. Our highways and byways were exemplary. We had the greatest medical knowledge base the worlds had ever known. Our people were free, we were fierce adversaries, and we stood alone in the world with pride in knowing ours was the greatest nation on earth.

One day, we were faced with another foreign war which had nothing to do with America, but we sent troops and hardware over across a great ocean to fight for a small agrarian country’s freedom from communist aggression, and ever so slowly all that was America’s greatness began to unravel from within.

The young of our nation spat on the flag and the principals that made America stand alone in a greatness never before displayed on the planet. People lost respect for not only the country, but its leaders, and then the principals we were once taught in our schools, became a secondary platform of what we once were. Marxism took the place of pride in country and the Communist manifesto began to seep into the school curriculums and politics.

Our entertainment messages became one of disrespect for America and its policies. Our mainstream media became slanted against the American values, and our military became a subject of great disrespect and scorn. God was driven out of almost everything, and was replaced with perversions and contempt.

Of course, there is a lot more but what has happened is, our domestic enemies have seized control of many of the machinery that drives America, and it is coming apart at the seams. Our morals and Judaea/Christian values have all but been buried under a dung heap, what was once the acceptable behavior has been replaced by greed, avarice, a welfare mentality and pride in other cultures other than America’s. We were once referred to as simply Americans, not some hyphenated version. People still come to America but they come for whatever they can get and they bring hatred of America with them.

There is a contempt and scorn of our country, and this is encouraged by a portion of our politicians who make laws that strip Americans of their birthrights. Joseph McCarthy once said, “The greatest threat to America today isn't the politicians who vote away the America’s rights, it is the voters who vote these people into the offices, who in turn are destroying America from within. They are helped with a population who has become dependent on the public feeding trough.

I hope Donald Trump will implement most of his promises to “Drain the Swamp.” We need to get back to those principals, that guided us through many wars, and to a prosperity never before known in other lands anywhere on the planet earth.


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The Problems of Immigrations has come to roost in America.

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