mercredi 28 juin 2017

Emergency Medications

Other than just the gross incompleteness of my preps, one area which is notably lacking is medications. I have some basic OTC options, some in decent volume but lack both breadth as well as specialty. Initially I was going to make this topic paraphrasable as "which one or two antibiotic medications would be most valuable in ones' preps?" Though I think I will broaden it with the following list.

1. Which antibiotic(s) would be either most valuable or essential for general prepping?
2. What is the best way to store medications?
3. How do YOU decide on how much or any given med to stock pile and how/when to rotate?

I won't get into my personal credentials but lets say I'm no physician but am quite educated and experienced in medicine. It is my hope to start an informative discussion beyond the "well, get some NSAIDS and immodium" comments.

Currently my priorities include NSAIDS for pain/fever, diphenhydramine or course, and comfort meds such as ondansetron/omeprazole/certerizine/pseudnoephedrine. This list does exclude first aid supplies such as bacitracin.

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Emergency Medications

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