dimanche 29 octobre 2017

Affordable, Easy To Assemble, Basement Fallout Shelter

Hello Everyone,

I'm an industrial designer and am very familiar with all sorts of manufacturing techniques. My team and I have developed a rough concept for a 10'X6'X6' basement fallout shelter with a PF 500.

The idea is to sell and ship it via Amazon and it's assembled easily by one person in an afternoon.

I'm estimating the price to be less than $2,500 without any accessories such as food, cots, etc. A fully outfitted fallout shelter for a family of 4 including food and accessories for 2 weeks would also be offered.

Yes, there are a lot of questions about how it's made, etc. Due to the patenting laws, I cannot yet provide specifics.

For the purpose of understanding the potential interest in this project/product, I'd like to know if anyone would be interested in purchasing a basement shelter like this?

Thank you!

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Affordable, Easy To Assemble, Basement Fallout Shelter

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