jeudi 26 octobre 2017

U.S Army Infantry - Some questions

Hey all,

I am seriously considering enlisting in the U.S Army, specifically as active duty 11B. I've talked to a recruiter, but have not signed my soul away yet.

So I've got a few questions for all of you former or current infantrymen in the U.S Army. Experiences from from other branches is more than welcome, but I'm specifically looking at the U.S Army.

So the first question I have is pretty broad, but how do you like being an infantryman?

Second, as the U.S is technically in peace time right now, how often do you train?

I'm not talking about PT, but live fire/blanks with the MILES system or equivalent and going in to the field. I realize that there's a lot of waiting around in the Infantry, and that there's a lot of cleaning as well, but that's to be expected seeing as the primary role (looking in from the civilian perspective) of the infantry is to fight. If there's no fighting then you're not fighting.

Third, as an infantryman, how hard is it to get in to some of the more specialized schools? SERE school is one school I would definitely like to get in, but I was told that as infantry it's not required to attend, and that it would be essentially impossible to get in to as all of the slots would be filled by SF and pilots. Sniper school is also one (lol, isn't that what everyone wants to get in to?). I am aware that each unit has to pay an associated cost to send someone to a school and that each unit is only assigned a certain amount of funds to do so, and that if that school isn't needed then chances are they won't send you.

Lastly, if you could reenlist in 11B, or another branches equivalent, would you?

Some other questions might arise during normal conversation, but this is all I could think of off the top of my head.


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U.S Army Infantry - Some questions

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