mardi 31 octobre 2017

Litmus test for rinos

I usually write long scathing letters to congress and for the record mine are suppose to be republicans but i am going to change my tactics and keep them short. With a few simple yes or no questions.

1. In the last 30 days have you publically called for an investigation into the clinton e-mail server,uranium one,ben-ghazi or any other of a host of criminal and or treasonous activities by these scumbags?

2. In the last 30 days have you publically called for an investigation into the fast and furious or the irs targeting of tea party conservative groups or any other abuses of power by those in government?

If you have please let me know the time and place of the venue because i must have missed it.

These are simple yes or no questions a non-answer will suffice as a no since that seems to be the establishment way.

The reason i asked is because the american people need to know if their elected officials are worth supporting or trusting to uphold and defend the constitution of the united states of america against all enemies foreign and domestic. And among the domestic enemies that includes the establishment party in our nations capital compromised of both democrats and republicans who appear to be in the same bed together.

Respectfully submitted and semper fidelis!

GySgt USMC Retired

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Litmus test for rinos

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