samedi 28 octobre 2017

strokes and TIA's

Anyone know someone who had one of these? A friend in her 60's who lives alone maybe had a minor TIA a few days ago. Made them dizzy for a day or two and mild speech changes until a visiting family member realised and got them into hospital. Neurology obs at that stage were negative( balance had returned, no strength loss), CT scan came back clear. TIA possibly diagnosis at this stage and being referred to a vascular/TIA clinic for further scans in the next couple days.

I visited and noticed symptoms almost all gone, but her words or choice of words a little different, like a slight personality change. She seems a bit off so to speak, laughing a bit loudly, and talking more expressively( normally a quiet spoken person) I guess the TIA clinic will explain more about this and recovery.

Anyone have experience with these events?

I was going to spend some time with her as my weekend is clear, keep her talking, Was also going to cover travel money for a long distance relative to visit her. As she lives alone I was thinking human interaction will help with brain fluidity and things getting back to normal?

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strokes and TIA's

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