mercredi 25 octobre 2017

How much ammo do you have in your survival bag?

I assume you are meaning in a BOB vs. a GHB? If so, my answer is none.

The way I see it, as much as everyone here rails against the idea of taking refuge in an emergency shelter or FEMA camp or so on, there is always the possibility that plans to either bug out or bug in could go awry. If such a thing were to occur, the last thing I would want is for my family to get turned away, or for me and/or my wife to get "detained" due to possessing a weapon, ammo or other forbidden item. As improbable as such a scenario ought to be for anyone who is properly prepared, that certainly doesn't make it impossible.

Instead, I maintain a separate bag for such purposes, a sling pack that is compact enough to be easily hidden/ditched and retrieved later if absolutely necessary. It contains a handgun, a couple of mags for that handgun and a few for an AR, plus a good folding knife, flashlight, multi-tool and trauma kit. Note that there is no boxed ammo - it is all loaded into mags. That is in addition to whatever I would carry on my person as the situation allowed.

I realize that this method isn't for everyone, but I'm not out to convince anyone.

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How much ammo do you have in your survival bag?

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