jeudi 26 octobre 2017

Latest VA Medical Center Quality Rankings - 2017

The latest VA Medical Center quality rankings were just released, and it isn't good news for a lot of them. You can find the list, from USA Today, here:

While I am a vet, and I don't use the VA for medical care, the ratings for many of these VAMCs are, in a word, abysmal. Management issues continue to plague the VA system, and until these are addressed nothing will change. So far, only a token handful of heads have rolled, but there are still thousands of incompetent, apathetic, self-serving, and downright crooked managers out there who need to go. This mess isn't going to be fixed with a scalpel; it needs a wrecking ball. And it needs it now.

If you, or a loved one, or a friend depends on the VA for medical care, don't just sit there. Call/write/email your Congressman, your Senators, and even the White House, and demand that they clean up this mess!

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Latest VA Medical Center Quality Rankings - 2017

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