jeudi 25 octobre 2018

China’s Dystopian Future is Now

My pastor sent me this link. In Revelation 13, people make the image of the beast, and the antichrist gives it life, and people must worship it. The antichrist seeks to be “like god”, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent.

But he can only attain a facsimile. When it says that he gives the image “life”, it must be only a facsimile, because the antichrist can’t create life. So it’s artificial life. A simulation of omnipresence, of omniscience.

Seems like China’s Social Credit system is pretty close to achieving this. What this video details is how China’s 200 million cameras, microphones and big data is being used to control its citizens. And many of them like it. One woman thinks it’s great. Her score is high, she can travel - she’s trusted. Just don’t buy too much alchohol. One man, an investigative journalist, is deemed untrustworthy. He can’t even buy a train ticket out of town.

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China’s Dystopian Future is Now

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