mercredi 31 octobre 2018

Start Praying For a Republican Victory in the Mid terms

If you haven't been already praying for a Republican victory in the upcoming elections, start now. God can influence the outcome. God wants us to pray. Scripture says James 4:2* ..... ye have not, because ye ask not.

John 16:24* Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.

Matthew 21:22* And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

Pray about the races in your state.Pray about the races in other states also. Pray for the specific Republican nominee.

1Th 5:17* Pray without ceasing.*
Keep praying through out the week. When you are driving, at break time at work, at home as you are laying in bed about to go to sleep.

Prayer does change things and God does respond to prayer. I think Trump's presidential victory was a result of millions of people praying.

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Start Praying For a Republican Victory in the Mid terms

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