dimanche 28 octobre 2018

Why are we wasting our time?

I was once told, people are either part of the problem, part of the solution or part of the scenery.

When you look around the posts on these boards (and notice the posting patterns of many specific members), you see that reality.

Virtually all big civilisations in human history accelerated their decline and fall by very self destructive behaviour. The US is behaving in a way consistent with that history.

And people are the problem.

But everyone thinks the problem is not with them personally and many of them are incorrect about that.

These boards have achieved critical mass for a political perspective that is not welcomed on most internet forums. Consequently, the people who have that perspective and find these boards, also find a friendly and positive sanctuary for that point of view and will never willingly leave without being kicked out.

Division in the US has led to different groups retreating to their comfort zones when discussing politics. People now source their news from "trusted sources", but that also results in confirmation bias and people only listening to what they want to hear.

The longer people live their lives in these different but more comfortable versions of artificial reality, the less chance there is that any common ground, compromise and agreement will ever be possible.

How can people ever agree if they don't even believe in the same set of facts or exist in the same reality?

That is why the US is doomed.

It is now just a matter of time.

That is why I participate on these boards - to be better prepared for what will happen.

But I have to admit that at the same time, places like this are also part of the problem.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Why are we wasting our time?

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