lundi 29 octobre 2018

NLT Holy Spirit Test

Have you had direct and personal experiences with the Holy Spirit? If so, please tell your story. In another thread I wrote this.


Originally Posted by PeterEnergy View Post

Having said that I've had personal direct supernatural experiences that I cannot deny, some may consider to be from the Holy Spirit

I'm a bit confused by this and maybe somebody familiar with NLT can clarify. I received a NLT new believer's Bible (New Testament Only) because I do not want to transport my CEV study bible (or 80% of any bible that has the OT when my focus is on NT). Anyway, here is the relevant Holy Spirit test per the NLT @ page A25:
1. Whom The Holy Spirit Helps. The HS strengthens and empowers followers of Christ.

3. Why God Gives Us The Holy Spirit. The HS presence in our lives is God's mark of ownership.

6. Why Christians Need The Holy Spirit. Living the Christian life is impossible without the HS help.

I feel incredibly proud, yet humbled, and blessed that God has marked me for ownership and am certain it has saved my soul from demonic attacks. "Test" may be the wrong word but the question is this; given that I reject Jesus as my Lord and Savior why has the Holy Spirit come to me on several (many?) blessed occasions? A good friend of mine has been a practicing Catholic his whole life. He told me he has never had anything like the experience of hearing the quiet whisper of the Holy Spirit. So, why me?

I am uncharacteristically reluctant to offer a possible answer and fear it will offend some Christians here. Sometimes I get the sense many Christians focus on a kind legalistic or ritualistic cult worship of Jesus, the man, (think Pharisee) at the expense of worshipping and inviting the HS into their lives. Gandhi's quote below comes to mind as I sense I am more of a disciple or soldier of God, if anything, and less of a Christian, per se.

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

By that I mean I never seek salvation, only divine guidance and help on how to live and defeat dark forces that my dreams (nightmares) tell me I'm a part of the eternal and ongoing spiritual war. Yet, in these dreams, I often see myself (spiritual projection?) as dressed like Jesus. Although I reject the belief but have been told I am a perfect Christian man (except for the lack of belief). Why do I reject Jesus as my Lord, you might ask? (From a Scriptural perspective, I cannot get past the 1st Commandment. There is more to it than that but that should suffice for now.) Although I only hinted at my experiences with the HS in this OP, I wanted to lay bare how my theological foundation does not square with the typical believer while having experiences I cannot deny and feel a yearning to experience more. From a statistical perspective, I wonder how many others have my combination of rejecting Christianity while also experiencing the HS.

Please, this thread is intended ONLY for those who have had direct and personal experiences with the Holy Spirit. This is not intended to be a theological discussion but a sharing of actual divine and supernatural experiences.

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NLT Holy Spirit Test

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