samedi 30 mars 2019

Closing the border, good or bad?

Mexico is making money off of all these 'asylum seekers'.

Shutting the borders will not stop of the 'asylum seekers' making it in [after paying a nice amount to coyotes and misc. Mexican officials who are also being paid by the coyotes]. Where there isn't a 'legit' government the various gangs/cartels take their cut.

The asylum seekers will not be stopped.

BUT more legitimate business will be stopped [this includes smuggling of drugs, animals, etc]. How much money does Mexico make from legitimate business as opposed to the asylum seekers?
How many people will be complaining to the Mexican government [oh, and ours too] about the loss of their money?

How many general graft and corruption will be impacted in Mexico's economy? [say a packing firm somewhere else in Mexico. No products crossing. They shut down. Employees not paid. Employees no longer can pay protection and misc. governmental graft. Company doesn't pay the inspectors for a 'pass' because nothing is happening. Company doesn't pay government/cartels for safe passage of the trucks to and from their plant. Company doesn't pay truckers and they don't pay whomever they pay to get around -- much less for food/gas/and money for their families.

Who screams first? The Mexican government? The Mexican cartels?

Do the government officials and cartel thugs [not much difference really] hit the asylum seekers up for more to make up for their losses? Do the asylum seekers thus not have enough to pay for the coyotes, or rides to unguarded sections, and set up more and more camps in Mexican cities....extrapulate from that as you will.

Asylum seekers will get through. But those will be those essentially already along the border. Can Soros pay everyone who wants their piece? Can Soror pay everyone who wants their extra piece since normal graft/extortion is halted?

But, frankly, think it would be best to stop all wire transfers and western union transfers to anything south of the border. Put up everything has to be investigated to make sure it isn't going to cartels and gangs -- how many are sending money back to families in say Hondorus which ends up in MS13 whatever gang's hands. Do you think anyone can get money without those groups knowing it and hitting up the families for their cut? Blame money laundrying. Tax fraud. Everything including the kitchen sink.

And close the border so that possible money laundrying, sex trafficking money, drug money, tax fraud money, kitchen sink money won't travel via travelers from the US.

Keep sending SS money [lots of retirees down there. That's direct deposit easy to control and watch]. Send extra money to the US embassy to bail out US citizens -- only if they leave Mexico -- take away the US dollar and see what happens. Even Soros couldn't cover that.

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Closing the border, good or bad?

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