vendredi 29 mars 2019

"Right Wing" hate Chronicled..

The local members of the Young Socialists Club took exception to a recent thread chronicling violent leftist hate. They claimed that right wingers were cherry picking events to form a narrative. Also, whenever the topic of the violent left comes up, we constantly hear how conservatives are violent and hate filled as well.

This thread has been started so that our friends on the left can put proof to that point. Be forewarned comrades; any incident where a "white supremacist" or "white nationalist" is involved will immediately bring ridicule. Both those ideas are historically the property of the Dem party and the left in America. There is nothing right wing about them. Also, any incident where a (neo) Nazi is involved will bring ridicule. The name of the party was/is "National Socialist", FFS. How can people be so historically illiterate?

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"Right Wing" hate Chronicled..

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