mercredi 27 mars 2019

No emergency at border?

The liberal cult does not see this as an emergency, or even a problem, because it is part of their political war strategy of bringing in as many socialist voters as possible. The bigger part of the strategy is the million socialist voters a year we have been bringing in through legal immigration since 1965, but this massive illegal invasion does add much to those numbers, and in so doing greatly accelerates America's fall.

Knowing what we know about the effects of these invasions, those who support them define themselves as traitors. Or fools, led by traitors.

I agree about taking away the incentives as part of the strategy to stop the invasions. There should be big fines and in some cases jail time for anyone who employs illegals or rents property to them. And giving them welfare is insane (except to those whose purpose is to aid and abet the invasions).

A very simple and effective way to end the invasions would be to unchain the militia. Just let armed volunteers go down and stop it. I think that would put a quick end to it. And at no cost to the taxpayer. But the same government that pretends to be impotent at stopping the invasions would be anything but impotent at stopping loyal Americans from stopping them. This shows the depth of the betrayal being perpetrated on America by a corrupt and treasonous political class.

Our children and their children will feel the full effects of these invasions as the liberal jackboot stamps down on their faces. And they will want to know why we allowed such a massive betrayal to be perpetrated on them, right before our eyes. And we will have to tell them that letting this nation be destroyed was a price we had to pay to keep from being labeled heretics in the form of racists by the liberal thought police. Ultimately grovelling before the liberals was more important than defending our country.

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No emergency at border?

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