jeudi 28 mars 2019

'Trump Owns the Economy Now, for Better or Worse'

'Trump Owns the Economy Now, for Better or Worse'


"Between taxes, trade, and the Federal Reserve, President Trump is getting exactly what he wants on the economy. But while he boasts about last year's economic growth, there are signs that his most dependable talking point is eroding."

But Trump doesn't get everything he wants, and everything is connected to the economy. What about Trump's many tweets stating that the wall would save the US money, because illegal immigration costs the US lots of money? Baseless?

We're not allowed to totally confront enemy nations like China--- famous for intellectual property theft--- partially because Trump's predecessors worked hard to undermine our stance. That's got to have something to do with the economy.

And the economy has to do with more than just Trump. For instance, marijuana legalization would have been a big new industry for New Jersey, and would have produced a lot of tax money. But New Jersey decided not to legalize it. Maybe they're better off, but you can't claim it wouldn't have a big economic effect.

If there weren't so many badguys around domestically, everyone in the US might look at marijuana legalization a lot differently. It might be a lot less potentially damaging. There might have been a lot more legalization by now.

And if the US federal government weren't so undermined, we might have a much better response to attempted immigration, China's attacks against our economy, and radical Islam.

Just look at how costly our Middle East wars are. We're spending all that, and spending all that time, yet leaving the radical Muslim nations extant. And our military men are coming home dead, disabled, or turning into drug addicts.

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'Trump Owns the Economy Now, for Better or Worse'

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