jeudi 28 mars 2019

soap for contaminated water?

I was at ground zero when Irma hit.Amazingly,we still had water..most of the time.It was under a boil order for about a month.
Had enogh stored water for drinking and cooking,but was nice to still use the toliet and flush,most of the time.
It was hot,and even with cold water ,it was a blessing to take a shower or 2 every day.Was careful not to get any in my mouth or eyes,or have any open cuts.

Not sure why I'm thinking of this 2 years later,but I am.

I store a lot of original blue dawn soap,and used it a lot for cleaning and washing,and showers.

Just looking for input or comments on anything to do different,or actual risks of of washing my body this way?
Used mainly disposible plates/eating utensils..the few pans/plates I made sure to disinfect with a bleach rinse.

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soap for contaminated water?

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