mercredi 27 mars 2019

"Ides of March" Foraging

...a few days late. It was a beautiful day so I decided to scrounge up a small salad before I throw the chops on my grill. In my area foraging really starts to take off about the third week in March although the Stellaria and the Lamiums have been around for quite some time.
The Elm samaras are just getting big enough to pick a few and the young leaves will be along shortly.

"Viola blanda" aka 'White violets'
"Taraxacum officinale" aka 'dandelion'
"Stellaria media" aka 'Chickweed'
"Lamium amplexicaule" aka 'Henbit'
"Lamium purpureum" aka 'Purple Dead Nettle'
"Ulmus pumila" aka 'Siberian Elm'

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"Ides of March" Foraging

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