dimanche 31 mars 2019

keep housing cost to one weeks' take home pay

(ONE person's takehome check) If you dont, you'll have nothing for savings/investment/emergency fund. People are out of their minds paying what they do for housing. Especially if they are on fixed incomes or not making 100k+ per year (per person, not per household) I pay $290 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment, and water, garbage, sewage is included. Another $100 a month covers wifi and utilities. Between me and the wife, we clear 50k a year. So 30k per year goes into the bank. I've not had it this good until recently (a bit over 2 years now). But it's really nice, and it's going to improve a lot this year, as in double.

Everyone in the low and low-middle class should just own old minivans, and live in their vehicles for 2 months of spring, 2 months of fall. That would drive down rents by half. The great majority of housing was paid off decades ago. Nearly very dime that the landlord gets is pure profit. They'll take half as much vs nothing, the buildings burning, being looted, vandalized, etc. if you discover you can live 4 months of the year in a van, you might well decide to just keep on avoiding rent, and the landlords wont want to risk your coming to think in that manner.

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keep housing cost to one weeks' take home pay

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