vendredi 29 mars 2019

Words of Wisdom From Rush Limbaugh

The only thing that will end this, is people going to jail, and then their supporters being shouted down.

Like they said...quit trying to be nice, because the fact is, THEY quit being nice...or even American... a long way back. You aren’t going to persuade them, you aren’t going to convince them.

Like a little kid that won’t see reason but keeps trying to argue based on total some point you need to quit arguing, let them know their argument is totally without merit, it is over, and they can stop, or you send them to their room.

Same thing here. Their BS is totally ridiculous, as Mike Lee pointed out so very well the other night in the Senate. It’s not worth even arguing about, and they need to shut up, sit down and remain quiet until they have something constructive to offer.

Call them as you see them, and let the chips fall as they may. Drown out their insanity with so much truth that they can’t compete. Every melted snowflake or exploded leftist head is a small win for America.

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Words of Wisdom From Rush Limbaugh

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