samedi 30 mars 2019

GHB When You Work Close To Home

At present my work is about an hours walk away, which is fine and yes I do take a very basic GHB with (a snack, water, hat, scarf, gloves, phone external charger etc).

However, I did think how easy it would be to forget these, and presume that getting home would be easy, and supplies would be there when I did arrive home. That we need to consider that we can't get home, even if we work close to the house. That maybe we need to be as prepared as those who work miles away.

For instance I have been stopped within a 10 minute walk of my house, due to train derailments, flooding etc. I was almost within throwing distance of the house, but couldn't get there and had to wait for hours, or go on a longer alternative route home.

I'd love to hear from others who work within a few miles of home, what they do/think etc.

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GHB When You Work Close To Home

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