mardi 26 mars 2019

Did the Jews (and other israelites) have a word for religion?

Probably the closest Hebrew word for religion is "torah" translated "law" or precept or statute. First mentioned in Exodus 15:4 and found 219 times in the Old Testament.

The Israelite "religion" had nothing to do with tengrism or syncretism. Read the the first 5 books of the Bible. The Israelites were commanded by God to obey certain laws or commandments given by God while they were encamped around Mount Sinai.

Later the Israelites began to depart from the Law and worship Idols such as Baal. But that was never part of the "official" Israelite religion of Judaism. God always punished them for their Idol worship. The book of Judges and 1&2 Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, and the prophets such as Isaiah and Jeremiah as well as others all tell of the straying of the Israelites. The northern ten tribes were destroyed by Assyria because of Idol worship. The southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin were taken into captivity by Babylon; however, they were later allowed to return to Israel and begin their worship again. This lasted 400 years until Jesus Christ came. Because of Israel's rejection of Christ, Israel was completely destroyed by the Roman emperor Titus in AD 70 and the remaining Jews were dispersed thru out the known world. Brought back in 1948.

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Did the Jews (and other israelites) have a word for religion?

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