lundi 1 avril 2019

religious heritage

They very well could have been and I do know many within my family were Catholic on my mother's side.

On my father's side they were French Huguenots who fled France in the 16th century and went to Wales and Ireland, England.

My personal walk with Christ today in 2019 has nothing to do with ancient times good/bad. It's a funny thing about history. The good/bad guy versions are written by both sides. We see this today even with WW2 history. It's a very different version depending on what country you are in.

Everyone has their version of human history and who did what to who. Most often one side claims they the "Holy Ones" and the others were the bad/evil ones.

Thankfully God deals with this issue in (Ezekiel 18) and proclaims "the one who sins is the one who dies". God says "Stop saying the sins of the fathers have placed their children's teeth on edge".

Ancient stories and traditions of hero or the villain has no bearing on me on judgement day. I'm responsible, I alone stand before God and He won't be checking for membership cards, rather it will be:

1) What did you do with My son, Jesus?

2)What did you do on earth with the time, talents and treasure I gave to you?

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religious heritage

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