lundi 1 avril 2019

When they knock on your front door...

That can be prevented by mass civil disobedience. We did it with the gun registry. 2 out of 3 people gave them the old FO. That's 1 million men.

How exactly would the authorities of Canada apprehend, prosecute, and incarcerate 1 million people and maintain the economy while doing it?

The short answer is it couldn't be done at all.

15 years ish and 5 or 6 rejected amnesty offers later we won. The new gun control died. There was an added effect. Governments sometimes talk about making new gun control but it's never dramatic. They really fear the collective FO and the ensuing consequences.

Last I heard New Zealand's gun owners have handed in a total of 37 firearms. Seems the collective FO is spreading.

Use it. It's gold. It's also easy. Anyone you know that owns a firearm (friends, family, co-workers of like mind, fellow gun club members), tell them about the collective FO.

In the time while the government struggles to get all of you to accept the new law, some of you will be caught and do time. It happens. In the end, you will win.

The collective FO can't be defeated. Not by any means considered civil in Western civilization.

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When they knock on your front door...

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