lundi 31 août 2020

Mask fit

Default Mask fit

Somebody gave me a homemade cloth surgical type mask. For awhile it worked fine but washing changed the fit till my nose was wanting to poke out like people i had been laughing about. I was thinking about retrofitting adding some nose reinforcement. But someone gave me some real disposable surgical masks. These have the metal nose strip reinforcement and a much better tighter fit. The fit is almost as good as my stashed n95 masks though those are construction grade and have the frowned on exhalation valve. These surgical masks fit much closer unlike the cuplike n95. Made from some kind of paper with elastic ear strings and metal strip above nose you can shape to fit. Disposable but i expect to reuse.

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Mask fit

Stainless moraknife rust


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Stainless moraknife rust

You Know You're Getting Old When...


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You Know You're Getting Old When...

Considering selling random ammo

As a rule; I don't sell ammo.

Just about everything has a price except my perfume factory, but ammo gets horded or shot.

This a results in some interesting assemblies.
At my feet is an ammo can of PPU 7.62x25 HP's. (I also put back cases and cases of ball when it was <$0.05) I have <$50 in it including the can.

Back in the day I picked up several Tok's and CZ52's as 'backup guns" or "stash guns" or "Butter knife guns" or just because they were good deals.
I no longer need them to fulfill that role, but I won't ever get rid of all of my x25 because I have a Vietnam bring Back that was gifted to me by a friend who's own kids didn't care.

Likewise I have 500+ 9x18 HP in addition to my ball stash.
I can't see ever carrying my apparently NIB doublestacked makarov even if I ditch the others, but it's a "blue chip" so it stays for the foreseeable future.

OTOH, If I sold some of this ammo I'm apparently never gonna need I could do.... Something with the money. (Probably buy more ammo.)

I stacked up $30 tins of 8mm and 7.62x54R back in the day... with my spinal surgery I will probably never be able to shoot it.

If I'm gonna sell, now would be a good time....

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Considering selling random ammo

Man Bashed in Head and its all laughs-Media will never report this

Now that White people are being targeted and murdered in cold blood because of and by BLM, maybe a team of protesters should take to the streets with the goal of burning down state houses run by Dem politicians who support that. Then there can be a boycott of all pro sports until they take the racist hate speech out of their broadcasts. Then out of a demand for freedom and equal rights - people should insist the Confederate battle flag become the official US flag.

Then the people should demand taxes be cut in half, and we defund the waste out of government.

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Man Bashed in Head and its all laughs-Media will never report this

New Baby Kamado

Baby Kamado - Akorn Jr. Cast Iron cooking grate, and a stainless steel heat deflector (for smoking or indirect cooking). Grill, Smoke, Sear, Bake, Boil Water in a pan, you name it - these things can do it all.

This thing is the ultimate fuel miser. One load of lump charcoal gives over 24-hours of low 'n' slow cooking time. (It doesn't hold a lot to begin with). Mix in 1/5 charcoal volume with smoking wood chunks - even less lump charcoal needed. 14" Cooking grate, enough for an average meal - or will hold an 8-lb. pork butt with no issues.

Leg extensions are 1 1/2" PVC with 2" rollers on the bottom, makes it easier to move around the porch.

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New Baby Kamado

Watergate Salad

Anyone remember this? I used to love this!

Watergate Salad

2 (8-ounce) cans crushed pineapple in juice, undrained
1 (3.4-ounce) package pistachio instant pudding
1 (8-ounce) tub frozen whipped topping, thawed
1 cup miniature marshmallows
1/2 cup toasted pecans, chopped

In a medium bowl, stir together the full contents of the pineapple cans and the pudding mix until smooth.
Fold in whipped topping and marshmallows. Cover and refrigerate at least 1 hour.
Sprinkle pecans on top before serving.

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Watergate Salad

The Left as Globalist tools 3.0


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The Left as Globalist tools 3.0

UK wheat harvest problems


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UK wheat harvest problems

Your IFAK / meds for no help SHTF

I really liked this article because it discusses when there is no evac, no EMT, no ambulance coming. I am guilty of this too, limited knowledge, short term utility, dependence on medical back-up. What happens when its just you and your wife, friend, kid and thier wound, illness, accident for weeks? Will your knowledge or gear deal with infextion, pneumonia, surgical repair, shock???? I need to improve, a lot!

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Your IFAK / meds for no help SHTF

Accountability & Responsibility

As I watch the events that have unfolded so far this year I once again find myself asking what happened to personal accountability & responsibility. What happened to the idea of a job well done. To the responsibility of taking care of one's family... Bed um' and leave um' resulting in fatherless children. That goes beyond sad, that is a crime, a epidemic in this country. If a society, any society is to continue to exist, we must be personally accountable. There must be responsibility for one's actions. We must have a pride in one's work...and a responsibility for failure to do so. In yet another discussion I find there seems to be a global migration away from these ideals. This person was not the only one. If it was only one, then it could clearly be a anomaly. Yes, this was someone well traveled. Someone who has seen these things in other countries as well. Yes, I am reflecting on the transition of several decades. A migration that I have witnessed over several decades. Who will hold the criminal accountable? Will we as a society, as a nation, hold the politician accountable? Where is the accountability for anything anymore? We hold no one accountable anymore. Without it I can see only pain and suffering.

Example (and this could be one of many) - We want to hold law enforcement officers accountable (and they should be), but we don't want to hold the perpetrator (doesn't matter black or white) accountable. We seem to want to want to gloss over their actions, that in most cases there was probable cause for the officer to stop that person, or to place that person into custody.
When an officer sees someone they suspect is involved in criminal activity, they are tasked with at a minimum inquiring further, investigating, or placing persons into custody. We don't seem to instill in our children that if they are stopped they should comply. They have the option of not saying anything to the officer, and I don't disagree. The officer then has the responsibility of making a case with what he has, or moving on (put up or shut up). It really doesn't matter skin color. We used to often hear, "well you are profiling". Our response was we are only profiling crime. Personally I didn't care if the person was a d--- blue smurf.
I could make many other examples. Everything from the workplace, to our personal lives. It won't change things clearly. People are going to do what ever they want. It quite sad however.

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Accountability & Responsibility

Uh-oh, kidney stone suspected

Thankfully this is a dull ache. Still motivating and no hurling.....yet. Had a stone years ago and it was debilitating. Doc said it was so big it should not have come out of the kidney.

The flank pain is enough that I am thinking Urgent Care. Pain is picking up. Doing a quick search says lemon juice and water can help. Any experience out there?

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Uh-oh, kidney stone suspected

Corona - Just a trial run?

Do you think they'll release the really dangerous virus next year or the year after, assuming this is a trial to test the waters so to speak? Or approximately 9 months before our next presidential election?

Seriously, why does this whole thing feel like it is a training session? To get everyone prepared for whatever is next. And what the bleep is next?

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Corona - Just a trial run?

dimanche 30 août 2020

re: State subforums: what does the second number next to the state subforum mean?


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re: State subforums: what does the second number next to the state subforum mean?

The Russian Vaccine worked for me!!!!!

Default The Russian Vaccine worked for me!!!!!

As some of you already know, I volunteered for the Russian vaccine trials for Covid-19. I finally received my first shot & wanted to let you all know that it’s completely safe with иo side effects whatsoeveя, and that I feelshκι χoρoshό я чувствую себя немного странно и я думаю, что вытащил ослиные уши.


Tweeting my published articles & news of upcoming books about self-reliance, survival gardening, primitive living, disaster preps & making hard times (almost) painless:

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The Russian Vaccine worked for me!!!!!

Walmart making it hard to pay with cash

Default Walmart making it hard to pay with cash

Our local Walmart has converted all checkouts except 4 to self checkouts but never have more than 1 cashier. I usually avoid the self service lanes unless I only have a few items. I refuse to check myself out with 2 buggies full. I went the other day and had about 10 items. The 1 checkout had a huge line, at least a 20 minute wait, so I went to the self checkouts. Cards only. I asked the women that oversees that area, her reply was: “if you have to pay with cash you have to use that 1 register. WTF. I don’t have to use cash I just don’t like putting groceries on a credit card. I left my cart with her and walked out. I won’t be buying groceries there again.

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Walmart making it hard to pay with cash

Hardening Microsoft Edge

Anyone here running Edge as their primary browser? If so, are you using any of the extensions such as Adblock, Privacy Possum, Privacy Badger, etc.?

I've considered using Edge but frankly don't like it for several reasons with security being one of them.

So what say the herd? What are you all doing?

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Hardening Microsoft Edge

Pay it off or naw?

Since this is SurvivalBoards, my advice is to get the house built before
SHTF rather than pay off the loan. Once we live in Anarchy you wont need
to pay any loans but if will be nice to have a house.

But if you don't think the world as we know it won't end soon Its important
you pay off your high interest loans before the low interest ones.

If you don't have high interest debt of any kind, I agree its important to
get your Mortgage while interest rates are low.

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Pay it off or naw?

The Case Against Trinitarianism

*** WARNING: This thread is not about debating the trinity or defending trinitarianism. Trinitarian apologists are not welcome to post in this thread. ***

*** WARNING: What is welcome in this thread are comments aimed at strengthening the case against trinitarianism. ***


Originally Posted by Sloth
what drew you toward Unitarianism Pete?


Originally Posted by PeterEnergy View Post
A. The 1C. It must be important if God put it first and used singular pronoun and I cannot think of who it would especially apply to more than the Son .
B. Rejection of mysticism/dualism. 1 ≠ 2 ≠ 3. Or 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 and 1 = 1 + 1.
C. Definition, logic, & language. Consider the statement, "Jesus (the son) was raised from the dead by God (the father) to be the first fruits and is our only Mediator to God."
  1. Father. Son. By definition, not the same. And son is created by the father. No exceptions to this prerequisite arrangement. If this is not their relationship, then words mean nothing.
  2. Jesus said God is greater, more knowledgable & more glorious. By definition, these cannot be one and the same.
  3. God incarnate is not prophesied in the OT. It's not even implied in the vast majority of the NT text.
  4. The trinity is not in the Bible & Jesus never said to worship a triune God.
  5. Subject v object of sentence. Jesus has many titles. Many of them are 'of God.' The umbrella of Bob is not Bob. "I drank from the cup" ≠ "I told my servant to drink from the cup and he drank from it."
  6. Raised from the dead means Jesus was acted upon, the object of action by the subject, God. By definition, this is not the same as Jesus rose from the dead, doing the action himself.
  7. "First" implies a coming series of like. My first girlfriend was like others that followed. She was not fundamentally different from those that followed. We don't count Apples and Oranges as Apples.
  8. A mediator acts between 2 parties. A mediator, by definition, is not also one of the 2 parties he is mediating for.
I like , superpowers, etc. However, not even God can violate logic. For instance, He cannot be all-knowing and get lost. He cannot be all powerful and actually suffer & die as Jesus did. He cannot be all holy and sinful. The resurrected Jesus would not say he is going to his God if he were God incarnate for the same reason that one cannot sit on their own right side. This is because in reality contradictions do not exist. I hope that answers your question.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
Galileo Galilei


Obviously, I am not going to make the case in a single post. The reason this thread is necessary, in my opinion, is because it cannot be discussed in other religious threads. It cannot be discussed for as soon as it is brought up, trinitarian apologists sweep aside any evidence against the trinity and replace it with copious commentary but scant Scripture to support it. Indeed, too many threads now are hijacked by Trinitarian apologists.

Such conversations about trinitarianism are therefore void of the normal evidence based conversation one might have about say, the charge that OJ Simpson murdered his wife. That is, there is evidence for the charge as well as exculpatory evidence. No debate or trial with any legitimacy is one-sided. To compensate for 100's of Trinitarian defended threads, this one thread may be referenced. I pray it may unfold unharassed by Trinitarian apologists. Let me have just one thread.

The rabid refusal to discuss this was clearly seen in the Heresy Protestant Style thread. Narrowing the topic of discussion to what is required for salvation according to Scripture launched into dozens of posts apologizing for Trinitarianism. That is how ingrained this heresy is; a false direct connection to salvation is how Trinitarian apologists react. And this leads to the most glaring case against the trinity. The trinity is not in the Bible and Jesus never said to worship a triune God. A most inconvenient fact for Trinitarians who will invoke all manner of logical fallacies and distortions of language to support their idol.

This Scriptural fact alone should be enough to make the case against Trinitarianism. "There is no there, there" as the saying goes. If there was no evidence that OJ killed his wife, that alone would be sufficient to close the case. And I can hardly imagine a stronger anti-trinitarian statement than Saint Paul made:

For us, there is one God, the Father
1 Corinthians 8:6

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The Case Against Trinitarianism

How One Man Got Us To This Point

And that one man was Ross Perot...

Think about it, had Ross Perot not run in 1992, Bush would have won re-election and the Clintons would have stayed in Arkansas racking up kills on hookers and State Police.

There most likely would never have been an Obama Presidency. And coincidentally no Trump Presidency either. Since he really only ran (in the beginning at least) due to OTard taunting him that he couldn't win if he did so.

Such is the influence a single person can have on a country. An influence not seen again until Trump's election where he basically ran as a third party within the Republican party and exposed the rot on both sides of the spectrum to the light of day.

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How One Man Got Us To This Point

New Guy from Kansas


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New Guy from Kansas



My only stored cornmeal is from Emergency Essentials in a #10 can. I did put up some plain grits in mylar, no idea how they've fared. For shorter term, I have a couple of 5-lb bags stored in the fridge. We mostly eat instant grits, cheese especially. Those don't store past their expiration date AT ALL. I should throw a pouch in the freezer to see what happens.
I did try freezing self-rising cornmeal, but it developed a funny texture. Not sure how plain would freeze, anyone who's tried it, please report!

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The tag at the nursery said 'cantaloupe' but . . .

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The tag at the nursery said 'cantaloupe' but . . .

Covid and comorbidity

Cannot verify that but...

Most mornings I receive updates from the WSJ regarding the Covid numbers. When I get those number I divide the number of deaths by the number of confirmed cases in the US.

Methodologically speaking that is probably not the best way to make the calculation of the fatality rate but it is the trend I am watching.

When I first started doing that the death rate in the US was over 4%. As of Friday that rate was under 3.1%. It has consistently dropped.

WSJ's numbers as of Friday:

US deaths: 180,844
US Confirmed cases: 5,869,032.
That means (roughly) less than one person out of 1,800 have died. This is certainly a serious situation but it is a far cry from an existential crisis.

From other sources the average age of the deceased is 78. It affects the elderly more than the young.

And it goes without saying that the situation was not helped by Andrew Cuomo when he took recovering Covid patients and put them in nursing homes to recover. People in those home were decimated. Half of the dead in NYC were from the elderly in NYC.

One conclusion I have reached is that the medical community has upped its' game and improved their treatment of Covid patients as time has passed.

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Covid and comorbidity

removing "studs" from a motor?

I will do my best to explain the situation before I ask my question,it may not be clear.
Last week I posted the air filter on my genny crumbled and went into my carb.I got everything to pull the carb and clean it sat.Took off everything and the 2 nuts holding the carb,but when I tried to slide it off,it hit the frame.

I could
A-remove the whole gen from the frame
B-take a grinder to the frame
C-remove the "studs"
D-tip it over and just disassemle the carb in place

I opted for D,it was kinda a pain,but got it running great on the second pull.

So heres my question,the "studs" the carb went on were about 4 inches long,smooth in the middle,threaded on both ends..maybe 1/4" thick.One end screwed into the block,the other end had nuts that held the carb.I could not tell which way the threads turned going into the block,but the nuts came off normal,lefty loosey.
I tried a vice grip in the middle smooth part,turning both left and right..didn't move,and I didn't want to break I just rebuilt/cleaned the carb in place.

So,any ideas/comments if I run into this again,and have to femove them?

Hope it was clear enough

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removing "studs" from a motor?

Portland Protest Shooting 8/30/2020

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Portland Protest Shooting 8/30/2020

samedi 29 août 2020

Home defense riot kit


Originally Posted by billwilla View Post

1st, don't lock the stuff you may need to save your life in a safe. Wear pants with pockets (carpenter, painter pants & the like work well) then get a belt that can hold flashlight & mag carriers. If that's not enough, add a vest that can hold a few more mags & maybe a radio.

What kind of a vest would you buy? That was my first thought. Pants would work, but I'd feel better if everything is together. If we have to evacuate I can grab it along with my rifle, toss it in our vehicle (I don't have to wear it), and bet out in a matter of seconds. With pants I'd be taking the time to shove them into pockets, they could fall out in a rush, etc.

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Home defense riot kit

Fingernail Polish----need bright sparkle...advise

Looking for a strong fingernail polish that is "Bright" and sparkles. Is this the best choice.....??? Needs to be a light color....prefer white.
Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear, Disco Ball

I am open to suggestions. I need to paint the front half of a few shotgun shells for Instant identification, in "very-very" low light conditions.

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Fingernail Polish----need bright sparkle...advise

Which half of Colorado has more of a survivalist base?

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Which half of Colorado has more of a survivalist base?

Well--solar power or storage tank?

If you have an elevation change of say vertical 120' then you would have 50 psi in your pipes. Well pumps here a usually 220 V and at least 1/2 horse power. A solar system can easily do the job. A proper inverter will be expensive.

When my well was out in the middle of winter, I rigged a tank with a 12 V DC RV pump I already had. I plumed it into my copper pipes under the kitchen sink by adding a T and a valve. It was just like being on my well, toilet flushed, hot shower; everything was normal except filling the tank with 7 gallon water jugs as required. You could easily use a cheap small 12 V solar system to pump from a holding tank to your house. Use a 220 V generator to fill the holding tank every few months.

A small solar system with a battery bank can do other things like run LED lighting, a radio, a computer, perhaps a security system, charge phones/flashlight batteries, a fan ... there is lots of 12 V DC devices for like truckers or rv people.

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Well--solar power or storage tank?

I hope I'm wrong -

The recent events wherein state and local governments feign impotence and / or incompetence with regard to "protesters" going on rampage led me to suspect that the "Powers That Be" sanctioned these episodes of guerrilla theater.

Vandalizing historical monuments, attacking individuals, and looting are all criminal acts that could have been grounds to call out the state guard if the local police were not up to the job.

But they were not.

For what purpose were these outrages allowed?
Increase Democratic voter turn out? Not likely. In fact, they're having the opposite effect.
Consolidate power? Nope.

I think they were to elicit a 'shooting' response from the conservative folks. When that didn't happen, the PTB are now orchestrating an escalation, where the paid rioters will dress up as conservatives, wearing MAGA hats, and Trump insignia.

THAT should be enough chaos to "trigger" the imposition of MARTIAL LAW.
Once they get the provocation needed, you'll see "weak and impotent" government wheel out a mighty force to clear the streets - and collect all firearms - for our own good.

In short, this whole episode was but a prelude to disarm the people - before the election.

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I hope I'm wrong -

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Kyle Rittenhouse - A Lawyer’s Standpoint


Originally Posted by PoorRichard05 View Post
This is a huge convoluted mess and it is entirely possible we will never understand what happened or the context it happened within.

1. He was seen running from people who were chasing him.

2. He was assaulted by a man with a skateboard while more or less sitting on his butt after being knocked down. The man behind him was photographed with a handgun.

No one is going to argue he is not entitled to self defense.

He is well represented. It is entirely possible he will walk and subsequently sue the daylights out of someone.

If it were me I would sue the **** out of the estates of the dead guys.

It may very well be the case that the deceased were quite "privileged," so by their logic it would only be fitting.

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Kyle Rittenhouse - A Lawyer’s Standpoint

Even in 29 Palms There is Random Black on White Violence

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Even in 29 Palms There is Random Black on White Violence

Home made toys

New retro thread in dark side got me thinking about toys we kids made. Had a lot of fun and am kind of sad my kids never learned because they were never taught or were too engrossed in video games to be bored enough to create such amusements. Best part is none of them cost a dime.

List some of the things you made for fun.

Tractors. Empty thread spool, rubber band, slice of candle wax, match stick. Thread rubber band through spool and wax, cap one end with short stick, other end with wax with stick long enough to extend pass diameter of spool. Wind up the rubber band, put on table, it will move across the table. Notch the edges of the spool for better traction.

Don't have a name for this one. Take a large button and put thread in two holes and tie it off so thread makes a loop. Wind it up and let it out so the button spins.

Flutes. Need bamboo and pocketknife. Cut one end at a 45, shape a plug to match with the top flat, drill holes. Irritate parents and cats till heart content.

Take an empty plastic dish washing soap bottle, put a length of string through the hole, tie a hot big enough to cover the whole. Squeeze and the whole darn string would shoot out. Entertaining especially with cats.

Thumb tacks. Maybe not in the toy category but they sure where entertaining unless you are the one that got busted for setting it up in the chair.

While I am revealing my childish cruel streak amazing what salt does to a slug. Now you see me, now you don't.

Snappers. Don't think I could make one now but fold paper and whip it down hard to make a loud snapping sound.

Another paper fun was the thing you would fold and you could open to different flaps with hidden answers? Girls especially loved those.

Paper dolls. Yeah I cut those out, kind of fun experimenting with shapes to make funky paper chains.

Paper hats out of newspaper. I was always an admiral of course.

Nature's most perfect toy, yea ol stick. Good for hours of sword play and gun battles. Longer versions good for war on fire ants and wasp nests.

DIY bows and arrows. Sticks and a length of twine. Accuracy was not a consideration.

David shepherd style slings. Another of endless list of uses for bale twine. I actually got pretty accurate with these but they were worthless for terrorizing animals, too much motion.

Cat cradles.

This one dates me bad but soda and beer tab chains. Also could use to make decent chain mail vests for those stick sword fights.

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Home made toys

Who do you get your finanical news from?

Wondering who others follow and/or listen to on this forum for financial news?

Mainstream media (Fox, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc.) have no credibility. They are just propaganda machines for the zombies.

So here are some that I watch when I have the time, typically watch these on youtube.

Peter Schiff - He predicted the 2008 crash, however always ends up pitching his company.

Gerald Celente - Does a show on youtube called Trends in the News. He relays good info, but goes off on tangents now and then.

Max Keiser of the Keiser Report - Has a show on RT. I think he does a good job of breaking down financial news so its easy to understand, and is funny at times. He is a big proponent of BitCoin, which I don't care for.

Truther Never Told/Silver Shield - Guy by the name of Chris Duane does this channel. He is a big proponent of silver coins and has his own line of silver coins. I've learned alot from him by watching his youtube channel.

sgtreport - Sean also does a good job of discussing news on the economy, US Dollar, crypto currencies and gold/silver.

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Who do you get your finanical news from?

Ways to prepare for US Dollar collapse

Have no doubt that its not a matter of if, its a matter of when the US Dollar collapse.

I have quite a number of gold/silver coins in my physical possession from various countries that I pay for with cash. I hold no stocks/mutual funds/index funds in mining companies, as I want to physically own the gold/silver.

But my wife and I don't want to convert all of our dollars to silver/gold. We've kicked around buying more real estate, however if the dollar goes, then there will be plenty of pain in other industries as well too.

Just wondering if there are other things that a person can convert their US Dollar too in order to preserve their wealth.


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Ways to prepare for US Dollar collapse

2025 Deagel website population reduction. Important!

Ive heard about this for a while? This group is allegedly connected to big business/military/CIA.

They believe the USA population will be 100 million in 2025.

What I also find interesting is huge population reductions in all "western" countries.


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2025 Deagel website population reduction. Important!

vendredi 28 août 2020

Canned meat prices getting extremely expensive

Yep, prepared meats are going up.

A perfect example is my local job lot discount chain, called 99 Cent Store.

Before Covid I could always grab one of those 1/2 pound lunchmeat clamshells that Oscar Meyer, Hormel, or Hillshire Farm sells for about $4 at the regular stores, but the discount store would get job lots of close to expiration and sell for a buck. Great to take home and freeze.

That store hasn't seen those job lots since April. Meat doesn't sit unsold until expiration anymore.

At the big chains the selection and quantity on the canned meat aisle has grown a lot thinner too.

Even the stores where I can find the occasional markdown on deli case offerings never have them anymore.

Lunch meat is a hot item now.

I'm guessing that all those people that hate to cook and used to eat out all the time are buying all the prepared meat up. Add in the problems at the processing plants and supplies are tight all over.

But for all the scary noises about meat in general there really hasn't been nearly as much of a squeeze on fresh meat.

I bought some NY strips for $5/lb and boneless breasts for $1.20/lb recently. If you are willing to do the preparation of stabilized meats yourself then the fresh meat is still in roughly the same price window as before.

Right now wanting lazy and easy has become expensive.

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Canned meat prices getting extremely expensive

Marking shotgun shells for I.D. in low light or blind...???

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Marking shotgun shells for I.D. in low light or blind...???

When all else fails...

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When all else fails...

Gun store report 08/28/20

Default Gun store report 08/28/20

Gun store report...updated
I stopped by The Outpost a couple hours ago. Ammo pretty thin except for 7.62. I bought a 500rd xase for 159.00. There was no 5.56 except some really expensive stuff, and only around ten boxes.
I also bought a 20rd box of .303. It was 25.99.
As for guns, geez, only the expensive remain. Got 2,500.00 or more? You're in luck. Even cheap pistols were nearly all gone. No Glocks. None
A few Fudd guns, but not very many.
This is a very strong guns store that is great at keeping inventory even during lean times. It's Ronnie Barrett's old place that he sold in order to keep up with his factory demands. They always have lots of inventory.

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Gun store report 08/28/20

A new low for Cheaper than Dirt IMHO

In the past the owner has pulled his stock and listed it as out of stock. And then listed it again at the new extremely high price. I have met the owner before and he is a total jerk.

If you want more info on CTD just go to thehighroad forum and thefiringline forum and ask about CTD.

He did this with ARs in 2012 after Sandy Hook and also repriced all the 380 from around $15 a box to $50 a box in 2008. He sells to shooters but he is no friend to the shooting public. Most hard core shooters will not buy from him.

But you do what you want.

Read the comments below the video.

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A new low for Cheaper than Dirt IMHO

SC Man and Stepdaughter Shot and Killed

A SC man and his stepdaughter were shot in the head in her driveway, over a minor fender bender.

Another man was shot in the wrist, and expected to recover.

The victims are white, and the perp is black.

Ty Sheem Ha Sheem Walters III, 23, is charged with 2 counts murder, 1 count attempted murder, and illegal possession of a firearm. i.e. a convicted felon.

He was denied bail by a judge.

Where is the outrage from the media?

There is none, because it does not fit the narrative they want to push.

If the races were reversed it would be on the news non-stop.

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SC Man and Stepdaughter Shot and Killed

FAR LEFT MAG Touts POTUS' Victory for TVA Workers


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FAR LEFT MAG Touts POTUS' Victory for TVA Workers

Jenny Jones Bread and Biscuits, quick and easy.


Originally Posted by ksmama10 View Post

I will have to try the bread recipe for sure. My mixer is a full sized Bosch. Will at least double the recipe just to justify messing up the mixer.

That's why I like the smaller Hamilton Beach mixer.
Just want to make 1 loaf at a time since its just me.

I like the way she smacked the dough and quipped, "Who is your daddy".

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Jenny Jones Bread and Biscuits, quick and easy.

Converting freezer to 12 volt.

Lately there has been quit a bit of talk of freezers on the SB. It got me to thinking. Would it be possible to buy a freezer that uses a modern refrigerant that can be recharged. Once you have it get the refrigerant safely drained from it. Then remove and replace the 120 volt compressor with a 12/24 volt compressor. Then once that is done have it recharged?

12 volt compressors for freezers can be had for as little as $162 from

If you can get the freezer second hand for $100, the compressor for $160, say $100 for charging the refrigerant, and another $100 for foam insulation to super insulate it you could have a 12 volt chest freezer/chest fridge for $460. Compare that to $1400 for a SunDanzer and it sounds like a cheap deal.

While you are at it you could even extend the lines so the compressor and evaporator are outside the house. That way in the summer you aren't adding unwanted heat to the house and in the winter it should take less energy to keep the freezer cool because the evaporate is already cold.

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Converting freezer to 12 volt.

Cheese powder is my new favorite prep food

I've discovered a wonderful prep food: cheese powder. It comes in a jar. You don't have to refrigerate it or freeze it, even after you've opened the jar. Twice I've used it to to make excellent mac & cheese. To do that, I created a cheese sauce by combining some cheese powder with milk and butter (I used reconstituted milk powder and reconstituted butter powder). Then I added cooked macaroni to the sauce, along with a bit of chopped onion. The cheese powder is highly concentrated, so I needed to use only a small amount of it - two generous tablespoons - to create a nice-sized batch of sauce.

There are quite a few different kinds of cheese powder available. The one I have is "Hoosier Hill Farm White Cheddar Powder."

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Cheese powder is my new favorite prep food

Kyle Rittenhouse - Donation and Petition


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Kyle Rittenhouse - Donation and Petition

DPMS .308 upper..... Complete


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DPMS .308 upper..... Complete

Watermelon Agua Fresca

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Watermelon Agua Fresca

Sources of bulk medical supplies?


Originally Posted by Nomad, 2nd View Post

Mostly first aid stuff...

Usually / for LTS stocks, been hitting up 'RE' for years - ..Very competitive pricing-wise, and Lots of flexibility at the 'component-level' (vs 'pre-packed Kits') -

..For anything Truly 'Pro EMS-level kit', NAR is tops (but also Top-bux, usually..) - ..Do have some 'advanced' items RE does not..

..For the 'Basic FAK / cheap-but-utile' everyday stuff (4x's and what not..) these guys are Really hard to beat, price / value-wise - (..and they get top-marks for shipping-speed / good CS, etc)

..Also, these guys also have 'decent value low-end Kits', for those in yer MAG that might need 'someplace to start / on a Budget', etc.. ..And, you Can always 'tailor a kit, as you see fit', if what they pack isn't quite 'there' (too much of One seldom-used item (ie: nasopharyngeal tubes, etc) not enough of another (ie: 4x4s, 5x9s, any Israelis / compressors, etc)

PS - One other item I've been Super glad we got, are these: ..a) Yes, as-part of an 'Advanced Dental Emergency-Repair Kit' I put together for us.. Something between the 'zinc oxide + eugenol kit' and a full-on Dentist.. UV-cure / Bonding repair-kit, and all.. and..

b) there's So bloody Many of them, I've found them helpful for a Scad of other things (fire-starters, Gun-cleaning, other mech-parts cleaning / oiling, etc, etc..) Good $14. spend, imo..

..And, Also very-glad / happy with this pup (since you mentioned 'surgical cap's) ..Which - also - (in conjuction with a 'Water-Pik' / dental-dams, etc) will serve-well in the Dental-emergency Dept.


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Sources of bulk medical supplies?

jeudi 27 août 2020

Fed switches to encouraging inflation

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Fed switches to encouraging inflation

Rip nhl

I abandoned caring/watching pro sports and college sports probably 10-15 years ago over similar nonsense.

My life is far more productive and enjoyable.

Seriously, sports are part of the "bread and circuses" distraction and nearly useless for society. We all have better things to do than watch WAAAYYY overpaid grown men in uniforms play games, and then lecture the rest of the nation on life.

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Rip nhl

Idahoan instant mashed pouches

Default Idahoan instant mashed pouches

I'm using some up, a couple months over date. I thought some versions used milk but these all only need boiling water and a little time. I have been throwing in some frozen peas or green beans into the boiling water before adding potato flakes. Pretty good though a bit salty. About 2 servings though i could finish one off. Can get them for under a buck and very convenient though you have to measure water, can't eyeball it.

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Idahoan instant mashed pouches

Body armor?


Originally Posted by trubulator View Post

I hate to even think of a situation where I might want it, but what should one look for in the way of a vest? Do you pretty much have to buy hard plates, or will the soft armor protect you well enough?

As mentioned, soft armor only protects against pistols. In a country where an AR15 is the most popular gun, I personally do not think soft armor is worth the cost. (although it protects less, it costs more)

There are various options for hard plates. Steel being the cheapest (check out with ceramic and plastic being more expensive, and also a lot lighter.

Like everything else, you have to decide how to plan to use it. Steel armor is heavy and a bad choice if you're planning on running miles in it. If it's just something you want while defending your home or in a vehicle it's the cheapest most effective option.

If you want some extra protection all day long and want to conceal it, then you will probably need soft armor.

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Body armor?

Five Ruger Handguns that Changed the World

There are many iconic companies out there that have a loyal following. Just ask anyone on social media which truck is the best, and a war of words will ensue. Handgun manufacturers have a strong following with gun owners, too, although we tend to be a little more civil with each other. One of the […]

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Five Ruger Handguns that Changed the World

Home Standby Generator

friend has one. 30kw drinking from a 500gal propane run time 22 days running entire house.

in the decade he has lived in that house, he has actually used it about 4 hours.

I know cause we were JUST having this conversation this week as I was looking into doing it at my house... I just can't stomach the cost..and I'm a cash wasn't looking to have a loan for this.

my home is 3600sq, 2 story, 3 seperate HVAC even if I take those out of the equation...

bottom line, it's a lot less convenient, but in the 17yrs we've lived here, I've had a total of 3 power outs due to storm..longest one was just over 2 hrs.

my current gennies are not large enough to run the well pump..and that was a choice...going big enough just to have running water meant engaging a gas guzzler.
my main intent is to keep the fridge and freezers going, have some basic lights,TV even during normal outtages.

we keep a half dozen of the blue 7gal water jugs filled, purified,stablized water.
If we know a storm is coming, we fill bathtub for flushable, put a blue jugup on the counter for handwashing, and we have a berky for drinking and there's always a case of bottled water on hand anyway.

there's an inground pool out back to pull water from if needed and with a couple of inland bound hurricane remnants, I filled the water tank on the travel trailer, so if we wanted a couple nice hot showers, we have that option as well.

all this to say..certainly a whole-house system is the great peace of mind and convenience.. I just can't afford it...since we are campers, I've got options...smaller certainly , but effective and efficient..examples include solar recharging of numerous deep cells (2 on boat, 2 on camper) plus a booster/battery 1200w unit for some short term help that recharges nicely from solar panel or car.

optional heat sources include Big Buddy propane heater with adaptor hose to run off larger bottles and that supply of propane has many uses here...firepit, grill, camper, and there's a mid-sized genny dual fuel that's large enough to run the entire camper (AC and all) or to power fridge/freezer/basic lighting during a storm and it'll give me a solid 10hrs on a 20lb bottle at that load.

if I have to crank up the gas unit (lil honda eu2000) then there's a couple 5gal cans always around for the yard rigs, and I can pull from the lawn tractor and the 4wheeler if I'm down to my last couple gallons of gulps for that genny.

all this to say.. I admit, I'm envious of the folks that have whole house systems and can afford them... I've kinda pieced my systems together over the years based on our normal recreational enjoyment and then figured out how those can be resources during a distaster.

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Home Standby Generator

Trying Some Dove Season Preparation

(Photo © Russ Chastain) Most of the time, dove season sneaks up on me and finds me unprepared. I’ll shoot a round or two of skeet at the property the morning before the hunt, usually do poorly, and do about as well on the dove field that afternoon. But this year I decided to give […]

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Trying Some Dove Season Preparation

Is Tourism to major cities gone forever?

Having visited New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Kansas City, St. Louis, Phoenix, Denver, Portland, and Salt Lake City ... I see no reason why I would want to tour any of them regardless of the current, social climate. They all lost their appeal to me many years ago. I'd rather visit Mt. Rushmore or the Mojave Desert or a pristine mountain lake.

If you really want to see America ... go to the small towns and hamlets scattered across America. It's where real people live.

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Is Tourism to major cities gone forever?

17 Year Old Wisconsin Shooter Was a BLM Supporter and Was OK With Destruction of Gov

Found a video of him and his buddies talking to a group of Rioters explaining that they support their cause and they don’t care if they destroy Government property, and that they would help any of them that get injured.

Skip ahead to 10:52 to watch the video, the shooter is in the green shirt on the right while his “Squad Leader” says everything I mentioned above....

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17 Year Old Wisconsin Shooter Was a BLM Supporter and Was OK With Destruction of Gov

Ye Olde Pocket Shotgun: Chichester Revolving Shotgun

(Image: Screenshot from video) So you want a shotgun you can slip into a pocket, eh? Well… no dice. Turns out, “pocket shotgun” is only a name… kinda like “compact car.” It’s essentially a crazy-long-barrelled revolver handgun with a shoulder stock fitted on, and a funky sort of sheet metal shield behind the cylinder to […]

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Ye Olde Pocket Shotgun: Chichester Revolving Shotgun

Presidential poll


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Presidential poll


See this thread:

My buddy (I did Iraq, he did Afganistan) has proposed we get 3-4 civilian NVG or thermal scopes each for "other people" in our " circle of trust" should the time come.

I picked up a Leupold thermal spotting scope recently rather than a second 14, but returned it. (It sucked) I have A low opinion of thermal overall.

I know milspec, not civilian.

I like 14's for driving or moving (after a couple hundred hours you get limited stereoscopic vision.) 7b's for LP/OP'S (Less eye strain)

Anyone with any recommendations for "good enough" for overwatch or a roadblock. (He made the point, won't be room clearing with them, so rifle mounted will work.)
-I prefer helmet mounted and a NVG comparable red dot, you scan more. But my days of foot patrols are likely behind me.

What do you have/used, what do you like, and have you used US 3rd gen? (Sorry, limited interest/use if you cannot compare and contrast.)

Thank you.

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mercredi 26 août 2020

Think ya know somethin' about stopping power.?

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Think ya know somethin' about stopping power.?

Kyle rittenhouse, 17 yo kenosha shooter. Good shoot?

People have just about had it with these leftist terrorists and their hell bent plan to destroy America. I think we are going to start seeing more and more of this. Someone has convinced these left wing terrorists they are above the law and invincible. And they’re dumb enough to believe it.

Unfortunately if this starts happening in Democrat states, it won’t end well legally. How dare you defend yourself against the rabid left wing traitor mob! ....

Eventually I suspect this will start happening on a large scale.

But I say good shooting.

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Kyle rittenhouse, 17 yo kenosha shooter. Good shoot?

IFAK Kit Recommendation

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IFAK Kit Recommendation

Difference between generator extension cords?

240 generators are actually two 120 volt generators connected to a single shaft.

The L14-30P type cord uses both legs, in other words, if you had something plugged into all four female positions you would be using both of the 120 volt generators to run four total circuits, each half of your generator supplying power to two of the female ends.

The other cord would only be plugged into ONE of those legs, using only half your generator to run three circuits.

On your generator panel there will probably be some distinction between the legs. You probably for instance have at least two 120 volt plugs, one for each leg, and a 240 volt plug, that combines both legs and hence gives you 240 volts.

Ideally, you want a balanced load between both legs as much as possible.

In practical terms, there would be no load difference on your generator between using both of the 120 volt plugs, or splitting a single 240 volt plug. It's just a matter of how many cords you want to run.

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Difference between generator extension cords?

DOJ Requests Data From States that Sent Sr's to Nursing Homes

Default DOJ Requests Data From States that Sent Sr's to Nursing Homes

Boom !! DOJ is requesting info and data from the States (NY,PA,NJ) that sent infected folks to Nursing homes. Just saw it on Faux news. Things are heating up Boys and Girls. Maybe we have a real AG afterall.

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DOJ Requests Data From States that Sent Sr's to Nursing Homes

Firestarting cheats?

One of my 20-somethings and thier friends are talking about a test walk of the Appalachian Trail in 2 weeks. I bought them each GPS units to clip to themselves, opened a tub of Mountain House meals to them and gear. They are in that sweet spot between having real paychecks and getting married so its a good time.

What do you guys prefer for heating water on the trail? I'm a believer in three kinds of heat with three kinds of starters. Any thoughts?

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Firestarting cheats?

Your human rights as a freethinker

In the 20th century this happened many times in many places around the cost 100 million innocent victims thier lives. A decade after this kind of dry run these same kinds of maniacs were in firing squads in courtyards or along execution pits. Maybe they were turning on gas to crowded *showers* or aiming at someones head squeezing a trigger before rushing off. Maybe they manned roadblocks preventing food laden trucks getting into an area or starving people getting out.

Thats what these fanatics are in ten years.... or sooner.

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Your human rights as a freethinker

Are all .68 pepper rounds compatible with other pepper guns?

I own a pepper gun from Salt Supply, which fires .68 caliber pepper rounds. But the rounds are extremely expensive if I try to reorder them through Salt Supply.
Lifelite pepper guns also have .68 caliber pepper rounds that are much cheaper than Salt Supply. So I'm wondering if I could order the .68 rounds from lifelite, and then use them for my Salt Supply gun. But I don't know if all of the .68 caliber pepper rounds are compatible with other pepper guns. Would anybody happen to know?

Slat Supply pepper rounds:

Lifelight Pepper rounds:

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Are all .68 pepper rounds compatible with other pepper guns?

K.I.S.S. ? Axe Sharpening With a Stone

(Image: Screenshot from video) In this short video from Coalcracker Bushcraft, we see a simple demo on sharpening an axe with a small pocket-sized sharpening stone. It’s a nice change from some approaches, which involve files, grinders, belt sanders, and you name it. It’s one guy who loves his axe showing us his favorite — […]

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K.I.S.S. ? Axe Sharpening With a Stone