samedi 29 août 2020

I hope I'm wrong -

The recent events wherein state and local governments feign impotence and / or incompetence with regard to "protesters" going on rampage led me to suspect that the "Powers That Be" sanctioned these episodes of guerrilla theater.

Vandalizing historical monuments, attacking individuals, and looting are all criminal acts that could have been grounds to call out the state guard if the local police were not up to the job.

But they were not.

For what purpose were these outrages allowed?
Increase Democratic voter turn out? Not likely. In fact, they're having the opposite effect.
Consolidate power? Nope.

I think they were to elicit a 'shooting' response from the conservative folks. When that didn't happen, the PTB are now orchestrating an escalation, where the paid rioters will dress up as conservatives, wearing MAGA hats, and Trump insignia.

THAT should be enough chaos to "trigger" the imposition of MARTIAL LAW.
Once they get the provocation needed, you'll see "weak and impotent" government wheel out a mighty force to clear the streets - and collect all firearms - for our own good.

In short, this whole episode was but a prelude to disarm the people - before the election.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

I hope I'm wrong -

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