samedi 29 août 2020

Home made toys

New retro thread in dark side got me thinking about toys we kids made. Had a lot of fun and am kind of sad my kids never learned because they were never taught or were too engrossed in video games to be bored enough to create such amusements. Best part is none of them cost a dime.

List some of the things you made for fun.

Tractors. Empty thread spool, rubber band, slice of candle wax, match stick. Thread rubber band through spool and wax, cap one end with short stick, other end with wax with stick long enough to extend pass diameter of spool. Wind up the rubber band, put on table, it will move across the table. Notch the edges of the spool for better traction.

Don't have a name for this one. Take a large button and put thread in two holes and tie it off so thread makes a loop. Wind it up and let it out so the button spins.

Flutes. Need bamboo and pocketknife. Cut one end at a 45, shape a plug to match with the top flat, drill holes. Irritate parents and cats till heart content.

Take an empty plastic dish washing soap bottle, put a length of string through the hole, tie a hot big enough to cover the whole. Squeeze and the whole darn string would shoot out. Entertaining especially with cats.

Thumb tacks. Maybe not in the toy category but they sure where entertaining unless you are the one that got busted for setting it up in the chair.

While I am revealing my childish cruel streak amazing what salt does to a slug. Now you see me, now you don't.

Snappers. Don't think I could make one now but fold paper and whip it down hard to make a loud snapping sound.

Another paper fun was the thing you would fold and you could open to different flaps with hidden answers? Girls especially loved those.

Paper dolls. Yeah I cut those out, kind of fun experimenting with shapes to make funky paper chains.

Paper hats out of newspaper. I was always an admiral of course.

Nature's most perfect toy, yea ol stick. Good for hours of sword play and gun battles. Longer versions good for war on fire ants and wasp nests.

DIY bows and arrows. Sticks and a length of twine. Accuracy was not a consideration.

David shepherd style slings. Another of endless list of uses for bale twine. I actually got pretty accurate with these but they were worthless for terrorizing animals, too much motion.

Cat cradles.

This one dates me bad but soda and beer tab chains. Also could use to make decent chain mail vests for those stick sword fights.

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Home made toys

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