mardi 25 août 2020

Short term junk food taste test.

During the 2016 Malheur National Wildlife Refuge standoff I made up some 'MRE's' in case I decided to go up there and participate. I ended up deciding not to when the Oath Keepers backed out.

My MRE's where mostly shelf stable junk food in vacuum bags. Stored in a closet.

Over the years, most of the bags lost their vacuum or became snack food.

This is the last one, and it has retained its vacuum. To me this suggests the failure of these bags is less from transpiration through the plastic itself, and more from small holes, seal failures, etc.

Everything has been expired since at least 2017.

So, the report.

The honey roasted peanuts where soft, stale and rancid. Only tried a few.

The cheese crackers where soft, stale and rancid.

The M&Ms, where surprisingly normal.
The oreo's where normal.
The Hormel microwave meal was normal.
Spam and Tuna where normal, not surprising as they are in mylar retort bags.
The Crystal lite drink mike was solidified but normal tasting.

Not bad for food I meant to eat within a few weeks originally.

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Short term junk food taste test.

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